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马用力拉着重载。The horse was dragging a heavy load.

尤其是运算符重载,这种情况出现的时候。Especially in the presence of operator overload.

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既不需要表单提交也无需页面重载。Neither technique requires form submission or page reloads.

对于每台克令吊都要做重载问询功能试验。Heavy Load "Star Request" Function Test for each deck crane.

与此同时,重载油腔通过快跟阀吸满的是“负压”油。Oil pressure inside the big piston rises when load is increased.

不支持探测重载和多态的函数。Probing of overloaded and polymorphic functions is not supported.

随着名称的修改,许多重载也随之被修改。Along with the name changes, many overloads have also been changed.

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重载资源名使得服务定位器与其缓存之间变得混乱。So overloaded resource names mess up a service locator and its cache.

重新实现一个继承的方法被称为重载。Reimplementing an inherited method is known as overriding that method.

不要在一个类型中提供一组以上的重载索引器。Do not provide more than one family of overloaded indexers in one type.

低速大扭矩,特别适应三轮车低速重载的特点。Low speed with high torque adapts the characteristics of the tricycles.

滚筒输送机是一种非常适合重载的输送设备。Roller conveyor is a very suitable for the delivery of heavy equipment.

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给设计高速重载凸轮提供良好的依据。Satisfactory basis is provided for design of high-speed heavy-load cam.

我们将在第十四章中学习如何重载不同的操作符版本。We'll see in Chapter 14 how to define overloaded versions of operators.

辻产业的吊机是电动-液压驱动型水平变幅式重载型克令吊。This is Electro-Hydraulic Heavy Duty type level luffing type deck crane.

为此,设计了速度性能好的重载深沟球轴承,满足了用户的需要。Then the bearing with better speed property is designed to satisfy the user.

我们上次讲过的一个话题,是运算符的重载。One of the other things we showed last time is that operators are overloaded.

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这些又长又开阔的道路是750毫升以上重载量机车的专行车道。The long, open roads are tailor-made for large-capacity machines above 750cc.

在工作间所有的110伏电压的电动工具,我都会加一根重载加长线。For all 110-volt power tools in the shop, I use one heavy-duty extension cord.

在工作间所110伏电压的电动工具,我都会加一根重载加长线。For all 110-volt power tools in the shop, I use one heavy-duty extension cord.