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唐玄宗曾经为这种铜镜写过一首诗。Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty once wrote a poem for this kind of bronze mirror.

唐玄宗即位,正式建立翰林院,翰林院待诏各以艺能供奉君主。As soon as Emperor Xuanzong ascended the throne, Literati House was established formally.

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在这种情况下,玄宗只好宣布永王东巡为“暴乱”,以与肃宗达成妥协。In that case, Xuanzong had to declare Yongwang's patrol a riot to compromise with Suzong.

华清池是一个古老而著名的温泉,相传唐玄宗和杨贵妃常留连于此。It is the place where the Xuanzong of The Tang Dynasty and Yang Concubine often came here.

兴庆宫是唐玄宗朝政的重心,是唐玄宗和杨贵妃长期居住的地方。Xingqing Gong Tang is the focus of the court, the emperor and Yang is a long-term residence.

唐玄宗啊,唐玄宗,为了杨贵妃,历史竟也刻着一片帝王的心酸。Oh, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, your grief is carved into history only for Lady Yang, as it is.

唐玄宗时,有一个名叫刘晏的小孩子,才只有七岁,就被推举为神童,并且做了负责刊正文字的官。In the era of Tang Xuanzong a boy named Liu An was promoted to be an imperial censor at seven.

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玄宗皇帝非常欣赏他,于是他成为了皇家的官方诗人。He was a favourite of the Emperor Xuanzong and became the official poet of the Imperial family.

唐玄宗时,有一个名叫刘晏的小孩子,才只有七岁,就被推举为神童,并且做了负责刊正文字的官。In the era of Tang Xuanzong, a boy named Liu Yan, was promoted to be an imperial censor at seven.

他曾经把这里的荔枝进贡给唐玄宗的妃子杨贵妃吃。He once presented litchis from here as a tribute to Emperor Tang Xuanzong's concubine, Yang Guifei.

唐玄宗登上皇位时,正是唐朝矛盾重重的危机时刻。Tang Dynasty was at a critical period with tangled contradiction when Li Longji became the emperor.

梨园在玄宗时期经历了发展和高潮,“安史之乱”以后走向衰落。Li Yuan gets it fastest development at the times of Xuanzong, and declines after the Rebel of Anshi.

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唐玄宗、杨贵妃、曹斐非常喜欢在那里沐浴,看潺潺流水在池中喷出盛开的花朵。The Gui Fei Bathing Pool was where Yang GUI Fei, Emperor Xuan Zong's favorite lady, used to take bath.

本文还分析总结了玄宗宗教政策的三个特点及其社会文化背景。The paper offered three features of his policy in religion and pointed out their sociocultural background.

张九龄的命运和大唐国运息息相关,张九龄罢相标志着唐玄宗开始走向昏庸,大唐国运开始走向衰败。His dismissal signaled the beginning of Emperor Xuanzong s fatuity and the decline of the great Tang Empire.

杨贵妃是中国历史上的四大美女之一,是唐代皇帝唐玄宗的宠妃。Yang Guifei was one of the four beauties in Chinese history, and the most favored wife of Emperor Tangxuanzong.

唐玄宗李隆基是唐代一位重要而又特殊的皇帝,毁誉参半,集荣辱于一身。Emperor Li Longji is an important and unique emperor, his reputation mixed with great honor and disgrace in one.

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唐玄宗当政时期是唐代由盛而衰的转折点,开始出现借庆贺皇帝生日为由的圣节,并且试图将它作为全民同乐的节日。In this period the celebration of the Emperors birthday became a saint day and a festival for all people in joy.

生当唐玄宗与唐肃宗之世的王维,虽然与玄宗、肃宗父子均具君臣关系,但这两位皇帝对待王维的态度却是颇有区别的。As a minister of Emperor of Xuanzong and Emperor of Suzong, Wang Wei is treated differently by these two emperors.

在唐玄宗李隆基执政时期,每年农历的八月初五是皇帝的生日。In the reign of Emperor Li Longji, the fifth day of the 8th lunar mouth every year was the birthday of the emperor.