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我的挎包是随身行李。My shoulder bag is carry-on luggage.

就这个箱子。我的挎包是随身携带行李。Just a suitcase. My shoulder bag is carry-on luggage.

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在我的挎包里找不到钥匙,一定是忘在办公室里了。I can’t find the key in my bag. I must have left it in my office.

我拿起几个塑料盒子,将手提包和挎包放入盒内。I take several plastic bins, in which I place my handbag and tote bag.

在我的挎包里找不到钥匙,一定是记在办公室里了。The key cannot be found in my bag, it must have been left in the office.

我真高兴你捡到了这挎包,还不怕费时费事来还给我。I'm so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it.

一名男子一手挥着砍刀,一手拽过女子的挎包。A man single-handedly waved machetes in one hand and a woman, Ye Guo's satchel.

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她说,“春天我总会考虑背斜挎包,这样就可以空出手来。”I always think of cross-body straps for spring, so you can have your hands free.

当她伸手去拿小挎包的时候,莎蒂在试卷下发现了一本老旧残破的书。While reaching into the satchel, Sadie found an old worn book hidden under the papers.

与会者登记注册后拿起印有2007年会议标志的挎包。Attendees pick up bags bearing the 2007 Conference logo after registering for the meeting.

这款单肩挎包皮质柔软,包型灵活,可以满足您各种对包包的需求。Finally a handbag that can expand to fit your needs. What is more accommodating than that?

将情书藏在情人的口袋、钱包、挎包或书桌中,等待他们发现。Hide little love notes in your lover’s pockets, wallet, bag, or desk for them to find later.

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许多人集体上山朝拜,穿着黑袍或棕袍,挎着挎包。Many people made their pilgrimage in groups, wearing black or brown robes and shoulder bags.

搭配细带高跟鞋和Chanel棉质挎包,艾玛紧跟夏季流行趋势。Paired with strappy heels and a Chanel quilted bag Emma was on trend for summer in July 2009.

你根本不需要随身携带那么多杂物,你只需要一个“男士钱包”或者一个“男士挎包”。You don't need to be carrying around so much shit that you need a “man purse” or “man satchel”.

突然两个骑摩托车的小青年从我身旁疾驶而过,抢了前面一位女士的挎包。Suddenly' two young fellows on a motorbike sped by me andsnatched a bag from a woman in front ofme.

对那些在机场急匆匆赶路的人,挎在右边的手提电脑包是必须的。而正是这个右挎包却对你的肩膀和背部造成了极大的伤害。The right laptop case is a must for long airport dashes that can do a number on your shoulders and back.

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这美丽的挎包袋抵达与银硬件螺栓惊人的细节银漆皮。This gorgeous satchel bag arrives in silver patent leather with stunning details of silver hardware studs.

我们的书包都是花布做的,花布包跟军挎包一比就觉得很小气,很土气。Our backpacks were different too. They had army satchels , which even though beat-up still looked pretty cool.

我却把曾经的黑色双肩包改成了现在的草绿色小挎包,每天早上如果不化妆就觉得不好意思出门。But I change my black satchel to a grass-green reticule, felt embarrassed to go off without making up every morning.