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其内皮层细胞上凯氏带明显。The endodermis had clear Casparian strips on its cells.

皮层细胞间不形成明显的“哈蒂氏网”。Hartig net structure was not formed inter-cortical cells.

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根以皮层木栓化,代替表皮。The cortical corkification of the root replace epidermis.

连续切片见内皮层有剥脱现象。Successive section sees endoderm has exfoliate phenomenon.

生发膜可分为皮层区和细胞区。The germinal membrane were divided into tegument and cyton.

域叫做眶额页皮层,这一区域是让人们与其他人在一起时,区分谁是最亲密人的区域distinguishes feelings for people with whom we have a close

核磁共振扫描显示,白色斑点出现在前额叶皮层。On MRI scans, white spots showed up in the prefrontal cortex.

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选择性注意调节视皮层的大脑反应。Selective attention modulates brain responses in visual cortex.

茎有内皮层,凯氏带加厚明显。Wall thickening ofCasparian strip is evident in its endodermis.

而皮层则控制思维,语言和解决问题。The neo-cortex controls thinking, speaking, and problem solving.

皮层的内层分化为内皮层。The inner layer of the cortex differentiates into the endodermis.

然而,我可以从皮层的切除学到宝贵的一课。However, there is one lesson we may learn from cortical excisions.

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即使是坚果上的皱纹或褶皱上的螺帽就像新皮层。Even the wrinkles or folds are on the nut just like the neo-cortex.

茎由皮层。木质部和海绵状的髓组成。The bine is comprised by cerebral cortex, xylem and fungous marrow.

林奈木茎的表面,表皮层已被周皮所代替。The epidermis has been replaced by periderm on the surface of stem.

运动皮层对手臂运动进行计划,和执行。Sthe motor cortex is involved in planning, and executing arm movement.

参根周皮层死亡组织的分解及其腐殖化是这类物质的重要来源之一。It introduced new data for the formation of rusty spot in ginseng root.

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该小组正在研究视觉皮层的一个难以理解的区域。The group was studying a poorly-understood region of the visual cortex.

岛叶皮层亦称为脑岛,它位于大脑内部深处。The insular cortex also known as the insula lies deep inside the brain.

但是这种激发看来已不会困扰岛叶皮层损伤的患者。But such triggers don't seem to trouble the patients with a damaged insula.