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这间亭子具有古风。The pavilion has an antiquated appearance.

诗人用许多伊丽莎白时代的词语使她的作品有古风。The poet archaized her work with many Elizabethan words.

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它是在古风时代初期通过“居地统一”运动确立的。It was established by synoecism early in the Archaic period.

这段"古风时期"大概是,从公元前七百五十年到公元前五百年This Archaic Period is roughly speaking about 750 B.C.To 500 B.C.

至今,当地人民还保留着敬母爱母的古风。Up to now, the local people still respect mother love of antiquity.

在"古风时期",发生的事情有以下一些During this Archaic Period,some of the things that happened are these.

在音乐方面,伯莎也培养了一种欣赏那些半著声名、半带古风的作品的兴趣。In music also Bertha developed a taste for the half-known, the half archaic.

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相形之下,部落民族由于格守古风,一直保持着他们的活力。By contrast, the tribes-people retain vitality though their very primitiveness.

显然,复古风在伦敦非常流行,许多复古商店,And obviously like, vintage is really massive in London, loads of vintage shops,

这清楚地说明了古风时代希腊人是如何欣赏埃及艺术的。This clearly shown how ancient Greeks acquried Egyptian art during the Archaic era.

其舞姿剽悍壮烈,声慑魂魄,具有浓重的燕赵古风。His heroic swift and fierce dancing, soul sound of fear, with a heavy Yanzhao antiquity.

所以,在外国人看来,马拉塔军队古风犹存,甚至像是陈旧的古董,不值得去注意。Their armies may look old fashioned, possibly quaint, to foreign eyes but that makes them no less effective.

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为了对这段较早的古风时期做一个具体的说明,我们可以举在提洛岛上所发现的那座粗糟的阿耳特密斯像为例。As an illustration of this early archaic period we may take the very crude statue of Artemis,discovered at Delos.

我的家乡陕西,丝绸之路的起点,古风雅韵之物不可胜数。In my hometown, Shaanxi–the starting point of the Silk Road, there are innumerable ancient and antique treasures.

为了对这段较早的古风时期做一个具体的说明,我们可以举在提洛岛上所发现的那座粗糟的阿耳特密斯像为例。As an illustration of this early archaic period we may take the very crude statue of Artemis, discovered at Delos.

他们继明代董其昌之后恢复古风,领导画坛,当时被视为山水画“正统”。They renew ancient style and lead in painting field. Moreover they are viewed as classic for Chinese landscape painting.

古风时期展现出,拥有武装部队的大型农庄,四处掠夺The earlier style pictures rather large estates by Greek standards, with raiding warrior groups going out to steal what they can.

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长久隐于侗族村寨中的鼓楼,固然鲜为人知,但其高雅古风犹存。The latent Gulou in Dong stockaded village for a long time, rarely known by the people, their graceful ancient customs still exist.

本文报道了四川盆地白垩纪沙漠古风向测量结果,总结了风向变化的规律。The present paper deals with the measurements and variations in palaeowind direction of the Cretaceous desert in the Sichuan Basin.

其造型夸张,色彩艳丽,做工精简,智用灵巧,具有质朴纯真、自由浪漫、古风犹存的特征。Unusual shapes, flamboyant colors, elaborate handcraft, and delicate design show its rustic pureness, free romance and ancient culture.