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了解孔子和诸子百家的主要思想成就。Getting to know the main thoughts accomplishment of Confucius and other schools.

这一时期出现了诸子百家“百花齐放”、“百家争鸣”的学术局面,并构成了中华文明的精华和基础。However, it was also a splendid period that "let a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thoughts contend".

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中国文化就是在这诸子百家的学派分合之中不断地发展和丰富起来的。Chinese culture is one hundred schools of thought in this division and among the philosophers constantly develop and enrich the up.

各诸侯王招募士人,整齐诸子百家杂语,延揽士人为文作赋,形成不同的文人群体和学术集团。Various seigneurs recruited the scholars neatened the all of the various schools of thought and wrote the odes, forming the different academic group.

“四书”必修课教育如果成功,兴许以后能增开新的内容,将诸子百家都加上。"Four Books" compulsory education, if successful, perhaps it will be brought in additional new content, will have to add hundreds of various schools.

刘向、刘歆父子所编辑校正的“六艺”、诸子百家、诗赋等,篇目明晰,思想宗旨详明而大观。"Six Arts", various schools of Masters, the poetry and so on, edited and corrected by Liu Xiang and his son Liu Xin, are lucid in writing and elaborate in thoughts.

步入春秋园艺术大门,走过青石板铺设的中心广场,便来到了诸子百家园。I came to the park of the "hundred schools of thought" by stepping into the art door of the Spring and Autumn Garden and walking through the central square laid by bluestones.

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荀子的礼欲观,是其基于社会现实,在对诸子百家思想的批判与继承的基础上构建的思想体系。The relation between the ritual and the desire proposed by Xunzi is a philosophy system based on the social reality, criticizing and inheriting from Pre-Qin scholars'thoughts.

认识诸子百家的产生和百家争鸣局面的出现,是春秋战国时期社会变革和演进在思想领域中的必然反映。Getting to know the produce of various thoughts and appearance of hundred school competition, which is a certain reflection of society change and development in Chuqiu periods.

中国传统文化的历史渊源是以儒家为主、兼有诸子百家各学派的文化。The China traditional culture historical origin is by the Confucianist primarily, has at the same time the alles of the various schools of thought various schools of thought the culture.

贾谊是中国封建知识分子悲剧的典型,他的思想颇得先秦诸子百家思想的沾溉,同时也润泽后人。Jiayi is a tragic thinker of Chinese intellectual in feudal society. His thought, not only carried on the various schools of thought in Pre-Qin times, but also enlightened the later thinkers.

早在春秋战国时期,学术上的诸子百家争鸣为科学技术的进步创造了有利的条件。Way Back during the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods, the contention among the Hundred Schools of Thought created a favourable milieu for the advancement of science and technology.

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这些特征主要有钱币、文字、官制和爵秩制度以及战国时期诸子百家的地域分布等,基本涉及了物质文化、制度文化以及思想文化等几个方面。Mainly, these characters include coin, letter, official system, the rank of nobility and distributing of the philosophers who lived in the Warring states, which involved material, system and ideology.