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参议会曾经授意建造复制军队队吗?。Did the council ever authorize the creation of a clone army?

在杰克授意下,尼娜安排托尼去设法查看达塞特的档案。Jack requests that Nina get Tony to access the Darcet files.

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里克向她透露,拐骗她们是其他人的授意。Rick alludes that there are other “people” involved in this kidnapping.

目标人物的选择过程涉及到军事指挥高层的授意。The process of choosing targets reaches high into the military command.

但是目前尚不清楚这些攻击是否由中国军方实施,或在他们授意之下。It is unclear whether these were conducted by or at the behest of the Chinese military.

马春明授意吴大维,让他把兰欣接到公司面谈。Ma Chunming instructed David Wu, let him put the Lanxin company received the interview.

当然,中国官立授意了这些示威者才会让这种事情发生。Of course the Chinese govt will run over these demonstrators before they let that happen.

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而真正的681就关在狮子口监狱,松井授意严密控制此人。But the real 681 prison in the lion's mouth, Matsui inspired the tight control of the person.

眼魔通常会授意被魅惑的目标去制止队友,或者在一旁袖手旁观。The beholder generally instructs a charmed target to either restrain a comrade or stand aside.

据传,那次政变是枢密院主席炳·廷素拉暖授意的。Reported, that the coup is the President of the Privy Council Prem Tinsulanonda's instructions.

他并非是在政府的授意下著作,这就是为什么他给今天他的国家摆出了一道难题。He wrote without state patronage and this is why he poses such a conundrum to his country today.

接到写作任务后,只要领导简单授意,我便能一气呵成,并且别人很难挑出毛病。Writing task, so long as to lead simple, I was able to incite letup, and the other is hard to fault.

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一些上塞纳省的政界人士认为,这一结果的幕后有总统的“暗中授意和助力”。Some politicians on the Seine that behind this result are the president's "mandate and help secretly."

卡尔扎伊的主要竞争者,前外交部长阿卜杜拉表示这是一次“由政府授意的大规模舞弊行为”。Mr. Karzai’s main challenger, Abdullah Abdullah, a former foreign minister, speaks of “massive state-sponsored fraud”.

当然,任何政府授意放贷优先于适当信贷风险评估的银行体系都会存在缺陷。Any system in which state-directed lending can take precedence over proper credit-risk assessment has its flaws, of course.

美国国防情报机构的领导吕特.G.迈克尔.马普表示这些阴谋直接来自巴基斯坦基地组织的授意。General Michael Maples, head of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, the plotters received direction from al-Qaeda in Pakistan.

埃里克森从2004年开始担任韦姆兰省省长,在过去的两年中,她在政府的授意下检查了现存法律。Eriksson, County Governor since 2004, has been reviewing the existing laws for the past two years, on the behest of the government.

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所以在后半场当我走进时,教练授意所有孩子向我投球,这样我就能够投篮得分了。So in the second half the coach directed all the kids to throw me the ball when I went in, and for me to shoot so that I would score.

正如在他授意下,1984年麦金托什机发布期间一则广告中演绎的那样——一个挥舞大锤打破桎梏的运动员——乔布斯以旺盛的精力和进取精神向传统套路发起挑战。Jobs attacked this model with the energy and aggression of a hammer-wielding athlete, a symbol he employed in a famous 1984 Macintosh ad.

据报道奥巴马坚持要明确美军撤离日期,并授意美军将领不可将其演化成长期战争。Obama reportedly insisted on a date certain for beginning to withdraw U. S. troops and told his generals not to settle in for a long war.