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这种想法根本无用That's hopeless.

你根本做不到You can't do it.

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根本不需要时钟。It needs no clock.

根本没有共鸣。Not resonate at all.

根本就没有楼梯!There were no stairs.

你根本就不会体谅人。You're inconsiderate.

亦昰痛苦的根本。Also?The root of pain.

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第一,互惠互利是根本。First, mutual benefit.

他根本没有家。He had no home soever.

欧文真能说,我根本插不上嘴。Owen is a motor-mouth.

他根本不爱海思特。He doesn’t love Hester.

根本就没有这种力There is no such thing.

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你根本用不着轮子“You don't need wheels."

但马里根本不听。But Moray didn’t listen.

他根本都不谦虚。He wasn't modest at all.

根本没有什么新经济。There is no new economy.

根本就没有搓路这条路呀。Don't rub road, the road.

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我根本就不认识他!I hardly know him at all!

因为她太虚弱根本走不动。She was too weak to move.

根本没有拥有,又何来失去。Don't have, no lose again.