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立方体有六面。A cube has six sides.

立方体是正多面体。A cube is a regular solid.

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第三种则是和真人大小一致的立方体。The third was a human-sized cuboid.

在时间创生之前,就有了立方体。Before time began, there was the Cube.

动态交叉表和数据立方体特性。The dynamic Crosstab and data cube feature.

我们设计的关卡被一个立方体所包围着。Fig. 2. Our little level surrounded by a cube.

输出最大子立方体的和。The output is the sum of the maximal sub-cube.

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立方体就是一间添满东西的没有门的房子。A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door.

这个立方体也在宇宙空间里消失不见了。And the cube was lost to the far reaches of space.

产品呈立方体,铁污染小。Products are in the cube, iron pollution is small.

而在积木中也有很多的立方体、长方体、圆柱体…等。Wardrobe , drawer in the family, are all cuboids too.

陀螺传感器测量的立方体的动作。Gyroscopic sensors measure the movements of the cubes.

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接着点又看到了一个白色的立方体,每一面都布满了小圆点。Then the dot saw a white cube with dots on every side.

一个立方体四维模拟就是一个四维物体的例子。A tesseract is an example of a four-dimensional object.

立方体建筑结构脆弱且不经济。Cubical buildings are structurally weak and uneconomic.

使用其余的类成员即可绘制出立方体。You use the rest of the class members to draw the cube.

让我们拥有这一带假日办供应雕像立方体!。Let's PWN that cube with a holiday office supply statue!

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这个立方体完成一次旋转需要一年的时间。The cube would complete a rotation in the span of one year.

图3给出了立方体的方格被线性化的另一个示例。Figure 3 again shows how the cells of the cube are linearized.

M型立方体移动性,适用性都很强劲,并且十分轻便。M-cube is highly mobile, adaptable and is lightweight as well.