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周冬雨也是有望进入北影的考生之一。Zhou is also among the hopefuls.

丰收有望。There is hope of a bumper harvest.

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中国今年有望超越日本。China could surpass Japan this year.

但这点损伤,我们还是可以有望弥补的。We can hope the damage is reparable.

它有望于2012年面市。It is expected to reach the market by 2012.

T2K实验有望于2012年再次开始记录数据。T2K hopes to start taking data again in 2012.

协议有望于明年初生效。It is expected to go into effect in early 011.

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VTT团队有望于五月份公布研究结果。VTT team is expected to publish results in May.

HMGB1有望成为一种新的抗肿瘤治疗靶分子。HMGB1 may be a new target molecule of antitumor.

白干湖钨锡矿床有望成为超大型矿床。The Baiganhu W-Sn deposit should be super-large.

只有通过这个程序,它才能有望再创新峰。Only through this process can it scale a new peak.

中国汽车电子业市场有望在2012年赶超美国China auto electronics market will exceed US in 2012

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没有一颗卫星有望满足所有这些需求。No single satellite can hope to meet all these needs.

学校有望明天复课。Classes at the school are expected to resume tomorrow.

捷星日本的中国航线有望在2017年开通。Jetstar Japan China route is expected to open in 2017.

如今他要面临一场决选,这次他有望胜出。He will now face a run-off which he is expected to win.

它有望创造350万个工作机会。It is hoped that the bill will create or save 3.5m jobs.

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暂时还没有,但有望在下一年的这个时候展出。Not yet, but look for it on display this time next year.

进一步的研究有望解决目前的难题。Additional research will hopefully solve the present puzzle.

劳资双方有望在两周后重新进行谈判。Negotiations are expected to resume over the next two weeks.