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汝为何将我遗弃?Why hast thou forsaken me?

他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子。He abandoned his wife and child.

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罗伯特遗弃了他年轻的妻子。Robert ran out on his young wife.

如同黎明的码头一样遭人遗弃。Deserted like the wharves at dawn.

可怜的西而维亚在危难中被人遗弃了。Poor Sylvia got left in the lurch.

我们的国家是被上帝遗弃的国家。Ours is truly a God-forsaken country.

她私奔后遗弃了他们的儿子。She disowned their son after she eloped.

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有些动物会遗弃刚生的幼仔。Some animals quickly desert their young.

他因为遗弃妻子而遭到谴责。He was condemned for discarding his wife.

那个卑鄙的家伙遗弃了妻小。That wretch deserted his wife and children.

她因遭情人遗弃而日渐憔悴。Abandoned away by her lover, she pined away.

我遗弃了他的同父异母的小妹妹。I have deserted also his little half-sister.

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请不要遗弃我们可爱的祖国。Please do not give up our lovely motherland.

我的亲妈是个大个子,肥胖的遗弃者!Oh my new mom who-who's a big fat abandoner !

在我们一生中,希望从来未遗弃过我们。Hope deserts us at no period of our existence.

因此太阳遗弃了我。我失去了真实的世界。So the sun reprobate me. I lost my real world.

当初旳甜蜜,现在旳冷落,是莪丢失还是妳遗弃。One sweet, now cold, I lost or abandoned by you.

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玛丽已和马丁订婚了,但是她遗弃了他。Mary was engaged to Martin,but she threw him over.

他真的完全被大家遗弃了。He was really thrown to the wolves by his teamates.

这个遗弃的工作站曾用于对流层通信。The abandoned station of tropospheric communications.