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他们作出虚假含沙射影对使徒。They make false insinuations against the Apostle.

你那句含沙射影的说“忠诚的战士”是什么意思?What's this innuendo comment about "- loyal soldiers -"?

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他总是含沙射影地贬低别人的人格。He is always blackening others' character by insinuation.

他憎恶别人含沙射影,说他太老不适合那工作。He resented the insinuation that he was too old for the job.

受了这样一顿含沙射影的指责之后还闲坐在家里,这也太不自重了。It was too cheap to sit around after such an insinuation as this.

与此同时,将会有大量有关我们的负面报道,含沙射影和大胆猜测会满天飞。In the meantime, wed get lots of bad stories full of innuendo and speculation.

请勿把属灵洞察力与个人见解,含沙射影,造谣诽谤或流言蜚语混为一谈。Don't mistake spiritual discernment for merely opinion, innuendo, slander, or gossip.

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除此以外,他们也小心地等待着来自妈妈或爸爸的反对或含沙射影的评论。In addition, they kept their antennae up for objections or snide comments from Mom or Dad.

我确信他一定以为钱是我偷的,因为他不断含沙射影地说我“新近发了财”。I'm sure he thinks I stole the money—he kept making innuendoes about my "new-found-wealth".

摆臭架子?哼!你别想从我手里拿到钱,你那些含沙射影的话是什么意思?Swaggering, eh! What! You'll get nothing from me. What do you mean by your insinuations, anyhow?

在成熟的以性含沙射影的舞蹈中,奥库尼扮演男性角色,男人扮演女性角色。Okuni danced male roles and men danced female roles in a choreography often ripe with sexual innuendo.

为了推销这本书,伯恩斯坦和沙恩可能会含沙射影的提到纽鲍尔和伯纳德的研究成果。In promoting the book, Bernstein and Schein may provide a sneak peek at Neubauer and Bernard's results.

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那些能够防范错误、防范报纸含沙射影和捏造事实的“看门人”、编辑和新闻管理人员到哪里去了?Where are the gatekeepers, the editors and news managers who guarded against mistakes, editorial insinuation and fabrication?

“我们还不能确定,她不想含沙射影的风险,”一位发言人说,正式的意见将随后提出。"She didn't want to insinuate risk where we're not sure, " a spokesman said, adding that formal advice would be offered later.

抛开我在评论中关于电影和信仰的含沙射影,我们把注意力放到不同的实体基础上。Rather than focus on the innuendo about my motives and beliefs in the review, let me focus instead on differences of substance.

我的儿子,第一次弄懂了这么持久的含沙射影,伸手抓起最后剩下的一块面包离开桌子。My son, the first to understand the long-term implications, reached out and snatched the last remaining piece of bread off the table.

这位滑稽演员说的顺口溜中有许多含沙射影的讽刺话,但是爱丽丝十分单纯,不懂世故,她连一半也没听懂。There were a lot of innuendoes in the comedian's patter, but Alice, being as innocent as a new-born babe, didn't understand half of it.

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所以我想请记者们扪心自问,他们到底是在报道事实,还是说仅仅在含沙射影,并敦促公众以批判的眼光看待这一切。So I would urge journalists to ask whether they are reporting facts or simply engaging in innuendo, and urge the public to read with a critical eye.

在过去五个月中他受到了含沙射影和虚假指控的无情攻击,而且根本没有机会为自己辩驳。For the past five months, Danny was subjected to a relentless attack of innuendo and false allegations and was denied any opportunity to defend himself.

最后,但丁又在中描述到人性的败坏,亚当在基督教的地狱中撒下的邪恶种子时,含沙射影了维吉尔关于地狱的描写。Finally, Dante alludes to this image of the Virgilian underworld in The Inferno when he describes the descent of humanity, the evil seed of Adam, into the Christian hell.