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你能拨动他们的心弦。You can touch their hearts.

拨动我心弦,歌唱。On my heartstring freedom sings.

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回味,触动心弦的遐想。The fancy of the touch heartstring.

多比透过琼斯的表演所展现出来的悲伤和痛苦一直紧紧扣着观众的心弦。heartstrings in his hour of distress.

悲叹一声,心弦破。The sad voice sighs, the heartstring breaks.

当你在梦里拨动我的心弦。When you struck my heartstring in the dream.

它轻盈飘逸,姿态婆娑,随风舞动,勾人心弦。It is elegant, dancing, wind, people dance chord.

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弹音乐,学华语,邀请您参与心弦之旅。Join Seren in Loving Music and Learning Mandarin.

我知道这很疯狂,但你仍能撩动我的心弦。I know its crazy but you still can touch my heart.

这个描述肯定牵动了我的心弦。This description certainly strikes a chord with me.

这名字多么强有力地拨动了每一个俄罗斯人心弦!How violently the name plucks at any Russian's heart!

我的心被春风吹动了,紧张的心弦也被春风吹得松弛了。My heart was waving, all my tense nerves were relaxed.

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你迷离的眼睛紧扣爱人的心弦。Your wandering eyes pull at your lover’s heartstrings.

最后,她那过分紧张痛苦心弦松弛下来了。At last, one over-stretched chord of her agony slacked.

它的涟漪深深波及心弦It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug

它肯定会触动您的心弦并能感动您的灵魂。It's certain to strum your heartstrings and touch your soul.

他们告诉我太太琼安和我的一些事情,刚好触动我的心弦。Something they said to my wife, Joan, and me struck a chord.

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甜美的音乐穿过了铁墙而紧紧地扣住他的心弦。Sweet music caught and held him transfixed against the iron fence.

龙心弦,蛇神经,恐龙蛋和火龙血。Dragon heart string, snake nerves, dinosaur eggs and firedrake blood.

这些故事就象当年铁路时刻表一样,撩拨着我的心弦。These stories spoke to me in much the same way railroad timetables had.