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但你能进入到这些“辐条“中吗?Could you walk into these spokes?

但我通过声音拧紧辐条。But I tighten the spokes by sound.

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辐条中部因为抽条工艺而节省了格外的重量。Butting of the middle section saves additional weight.

前后轮需要不同长度的辐条。Front and rear wheels require different-length spokes.

我现在已经取代了过去几年通过7辐条。I have now replaced 7 spokes through the last couple years.

让边缘发现松动辐条其真实性由低张力。Let the rim find its low tension trueness by loosening spokes.

这消除了可能通过使松弛的辐条谎言一样平整。This eliminates slack by making the spokes lie as flat as possible.

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至公元前两千纪前半,辐条式车轮逐渐增加。Ji BC to the first half of 2000, a gradual increase in spoke-style wheels.

为了加入网络,各个辐条必须隐式信任轮毂。In order to participate in the network, the spokes must implicitly trust the hub.

这将打开阵列对话框,在这里您可以快速创建其他车轮辐条。This opens the Array dialog box, where you can quickly create the other wheel spokes.

辐条与对接,位置上最窄的部分职位,他们休息发言。With butted spokes position the posts so they rest on the narrowest portion of spoke.

由于披肩实在太长了,它卷进了那辆1924年阿米尔卡赛车轮胎的辐条中。It was so long that it became entangled in the spokes of the wheels of the 1924 Amilcar.

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要确定后轮组的轴穿插在前轮组的辐条之间。Make sure that the axle of the back wheel goes in between the spokes of the front wheel.

之所以把这些土星B环上小云团称为“轮辐”是因为他们看上去很像自行车车轮上的辐条。They dubbed these features in Saturn's B ring "spokes" because they looked like bicycle spokes.

削减的一小部分废料的加劲,支路,它背后的辐条,借鉴,在加劲区。Cut a small section of scrap stiffener, slip it behind the spokes, and draw in the stiffener area.

对接接头辐条和铝更轻,但需要在整形和拉紧额外技能。Butted spokes and aluminum nipples are lighter but require extra skill during truing and tensioning.

在这种情况下,目标是允许辐条交换消息,但是要采用安全的方式操作。In this case, the goal is to enable the spokes to exchange messages, but to do so in a secure manner.

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但许多企业都有内部轮毂辐条状网络,这些网络呈现出相反的安全挑战。But many shops have internal hub-and-spoke networks and these present the opposite security challenge.

本文在流动资本模型的基础上分析了轮轴-辐条型自由贸易协定的产业区位效应。This paper analyses the industry location effect of Hub-and-Spoke FTA based on Footloose Capital model.

高辐条靠背的一种木椅,横杆连接的椅腿向外倾斜,椅座鞍形。A wooden chair having a high spoked back, outward-slanting legs connected by a crossbar, and a saddle seat.