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我在怪物的上方。I’m above the monster.

在地图上北指上方。Noth Points up on a map.

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在我上方的天空,我看到了月亮。Above me, I saw the moon.

那灯在我课桌的正上方。The light is over my desk.

树木在路的上方形成拱形。Trees overarched the road.

于我上方高处,泰然自若。Poised high above me there.

电线在上方嗡嗡响。The wires are buzzing over.

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它正好悬挂在山崖上方。It just hung over the cliff.

位置在肝脏上方。Located on topside of liver.

灯挂在床的上方。The lamp hangs above the bed.

灯挂在桌子的正上方。The light hung over the table.

一枝剑悬挂在他头的上方。A sword is hung above his head.

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请在点线上方签名。Please sign on the dotted line.

它落向上方直至消失。It fell upwards and disappeared.

哦,不,在兰色的帐蓬上方。O no! from that blue tent above.

这痕迹是朝着上方的。The tendentious track is upwards.

他们在灶火上方挂了一个烧水壶。They hung a kettle over the fire.

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捏住球节上方的筋腱。Pinch the tendon above the fetlock.

请看上方的灯号。Please watch for your number above.

上方我们能肯定地证实。The above we can positively verify.