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她对他只字不提。She didn't breathe a word to him.

对于所发生之事你最好只字不提。You'd better be silent about what happened.

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对于杰拉尔德对她撒谎的事儿,索非娅只字不提。Sophia made no remark as to Gerald's lie to her.

我注意到她对关于蛇的恐惧只字不提。I notice she says nothing about a fear of snakes.

公报只字不提这些问题中哪个问题取得了进展。The communique & 1 & made no mention of progress on any of the issues.

苏联当局对围城战的这一面只字不提。Soviet authorities were absolutely silent about this aspect of the siege.

Google对Cuil不做任何评论对自己的索引的大小也只字不提。Google would not comment on Cuil and would not disclose the size of its own index.

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雷结婚时,因为怕难堪,他对妻子只字不提有关自己职业的事。When he got married, Ray was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job.

好像老总也知道这事,还亲自去医院探望过呢,我却只字不提。Like Mister also know this, also personally go to the hospital to see it, but I said nothing.

早晨起来,士兵对晚上的所见所闻只字不提,他还想多看几次的奇遇,接连个夜晚和个夜晚他又去了。The next morning the soldier said nothing, for he wanted to see the amazing thing once again.

等到孩子回到屋里,我们对玩具已经掉换的事实只字不提,让他们自然地玩耍。When the child returned, we did not comment on the switch and let him or her play spontaneously.

本来在座的个个都巴不得想干这份志愿差使,经历了这场冲突后这帮人感觉都像绵羊似的,谁都只字不提了。Everybody wished they could volunteer, but after the fight they felt sheepish and no one said a thing.

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福克斯新闻网对丑闻事件几乎只字不提,而且没有回应美国之音的采访请求。Fox News has made little mention of the scandal and did not respond to VOA’s request for an interview.

我决定对卡丽只字不提这件事,告诉法默森星期一来将浴盆漆成白色。I determined not to say a word to Carrie, but to tell Farmerson to come on Monday and paint the bath white.

一旦我们向他认罪,所有的罪都会被宽恕,被赦免,甚至连过去他都只字不提。Once we've confessed our sins to him, it's all forgiven and forgotten and he doesn't even bring up the past.

拜耳科学家在听证会上为特雷西洛辩护时,只字不提他们自己赞助的研究以及那些令人担忧的研究结果。Bayer scientists defended Trasylol at the hearing but did not mention their own study or its worrisome results.

对晶报,大河网、搜狐的报道只字不提。都在选择性失明。When it comes to the words published on Jinbao, Big River net and suho. com, they all become selectively blind.

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他作此番言论是因为奥巴马离开华盛顿前往亚洲进行为期九天的访问,而对增兵人数的决定只字不提。He was speaking as Obama left Washington for a nine-day trip to Asia without announcing a decision on troop numbers.

德国人的决定影响了你的观点,对中国放弃核能将遭遇怎样的打击只字不提?The influence of Germany makes you not audacious enough to ask what would be the main aspect of a such blow in China!

我竭力不去想这些,就像我竭力只字不提仪表堂堂先生和我手上双双都戴着结婚戒指一样。Which I'm trying not to think about just like I'm trying not to mention that both Mr. Gorgeous and I are wearing wedding rings.