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用关连线描绘出强弱关系。Relationship lines depict strength of relationship.

好吧,节奏是,强弱弱,是这样的Okay. So that's strong, weak, weak, in that fashion.

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紫外线辐射的强弱受多种因素的影响。UV radiation levels are influenced by a number of factors.

线形结构大多形成强弱交替的定域键。Linear structure forms localized bond in strong-weak cycles.

而中尺度感热通量的强弱受多种因素的制约。The mesoscale sensible heat flux is influenced by many facts.

然而,情绪却能影响感冒外在症状的强弱。Emotional states did, however, affect the symptoms the virus manifested.

中国认为,所有国家无论大小、强弱、贫富,都是平等的。All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, should be equals.

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然而他却接受了这种强弱悬殊的逆势,决意用他的军舰奋战到底。Nevertheless he accepted the odds, determined to fight his ship to the last.

一时强弱在于力,千秋胜负在于理。——曹禺。Strength may win temporarily, but only justice could gain the final victory.

志贺菌侵袭力的高低及毒力强弱决定了其致病性的强弱。The pathogenicity of Shigella is determined by its invasiveness and virulence.

表面粗糙度及磁畴强弱对比随厚度的增加越来越大。The superficial average roughness and magnetic domain increases more and more.

培养滤液均能促进THP-1细胞的吞噬功能,并且促进作用的强弱与滤液浓度有关。And filtrate of P. ances culture also enhanced the phagocytosis of THP-1 cells.

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目的了解白僵菌致病性强弱。Objective To clarify the possible pathogenic capability of Beauveria bassiana in mice.

主体意识的强弱与是否得到高扬是文化独特性形成的主要因素。Wether the consciousness is strong or weak is the major factor of culture peculiarity.

大脑活动功能,记忆力强弱与大脑中乙酰胆碱含量密切相关,而一天吃一两只鸡蛋就可以向机体供给足够的胆碱。The brain function, memory strength relate to the content of acetylcholine of the brain.

各指标的变幅大小能更好地反映无性系抗旱性的强弱。The change extent of these indexes could reflect better the drought resistance of clones.

细胞壁的刚性强弱影响细胞内水势、压力的变化。The rigidity of GCW impacts on the change of the water potential and pressure of the cell.

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光致变色膜---能随着太阳光的强弱变化而颜色自动由深到浅变化的膜。Photochromic film ---it could change high color to light color , with the Sunlight intensity.

汉语韵律词内部音节重音的强弱对总的F0曲线的特征有很大影响。The F0 contour of Chinese prosodic word is influenced greatly by the stress of its syllables.

结果表明,金属与载体之间相互作用的强弱是影响催化剂性能的重要因素。The effects of various supports on reaction performance of Pt-Co based catalysts were studied.