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这首诗读来顺耳。This poem reads well.

当然,爱上瘾听上去更顺耳。Love addict sounds nicer for sure.

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不要只爱听顺耳的话。You shouldn't just listen to what pleases you.

你的助听器所接收的声音顺耳自然吗?How natural is the sound from your hearing aids?

行,这东西听着不顺耳,那就去尝尝牛排吧。Well, that does sound a little weird, but try the steak.

这个提议听来很是顺耳,且又不无诱惑。The offer was complimentary. Also, it had its temptations.

警察提了根棍棒,只要遇到他听着不顺耳、看着不顺眼的,不管是谁,动手就打。The cop carried a stick, ready to thwack anybody who offended his ear or eye.

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顺耳一听,基本都是在遥控指挥日常工作。Pleasing to the ear listen, basic it is routine is directed in remote control.

谎言比质疑更顺耳,比关爱更有效,比真理更持久。A lie is more comfortable than doubt, more useful than love, more lasting than truth.

支持姓韩这小子吧,他骂的三人中有两个我听着都不顺耳。To support this Han brat ? I've heard nasty stuff about two of the three people he insulted.

那么,取个顺耳的中文名字可不单单是技术层面上的问题了。And so the art of picking a brand name that resonates with Chinese consumers is no longer an art.

西迪厄斯美丽顺耳的建议,将带着阿纳金越来越偏离绝地戒律的指导性原则。Sidious's silken words of advice would steer Anakin away from the guiding tenets of the Jedi Code.

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但无论是对墨西哥驻以色列大使或以国驻墨西哥外交使节来说,这个名称听起来都不太顺耳。That, however, did not sit well with either Mexico's ambassador to Israel nor the Jewish state's envoy to Mexico.

倘若英语是母语,我们自然会觉得那些英语句子听起来更顺耳!Provided we think in English, we will definitely find those English sentences sound a great deal more pleasant to ear!

你可以重复练习,回答同样的问题,听同样的音频文件到觉得很顺耳为止。You can repeat exercises, answer the same questions, listen to the same sound files until you feel comfortable with them.

真心话再难听,都要比所谓善意的谎话听起来顺耳的多。请别骗我,或者骗一辈子。True ugly again, should be more than the so-called white lies sounds sweet. Please don't lie to me, or cheat for a lifetime.

接受调查的小半数年长女性认为他们的伴侣总是讲真话让她们感到厌烦,她们更愿意听一些好听顺耳的话。Less than half of the older women polled were bothered about their man telling the truth at all costs and would prefer a few kind words instead.

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语句含蓄言理深,文辞优美律韵寻。抑扬顿挫诵顺口,听之顺耳振精神。Statement implicitly made deep, beautiful sentences law charm finding. Speak in measured tones read fluently, listening to the sweet spirit of vibration.

马什哈达尼说,他扮演了真诚的斡旋人的角色,在磋商中尽管他逆耳或者顺耳的言词都用过,但他向来都在寻求达成一致意见。He said he played the role of an honest-broker and that he never opened a discussion without seeking consensus, despite harsh words or kind words all at the same time.

里面学问大着呢,得向专家咨询,得用电脑分析,还得考虑语言学的因素,这样取的名字才不至于在普通话里听起来顺耳,到广东话里就刺耳了。It has become a sort of science, with consultants, computer programs and linguistic analyses to ensure that what tickles a Mandarin ear does not grate on a Cantonese one.