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我家祖祖辈辈都是农民。Our family have been farmers for generations.

约20户人家,他们祖祖辈辈都是住在大山上。About 20 people, for generations are living in the mountains.

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我们祖祖辈辈与马匹相伴,以篷车为家,此情此景并不算久远。We come from horse and wagon grandparents, and it was not so very long ago.

我还记得所有祖祖辈辈传下来的家族历史和传统。I can remember all the family history and traditions that were passed along.

黄河母亲的乳汁哺育了祖祖辈辈生长在这里的人民。Yellow mother's milk for generations nurtured the growth of the people here.

所有脐带都是祖祖辈辈相连接的,芸芸众生拧成一股肉缆,所以那些秘教僧侣们都是。The cords of all link back, strandentwining cable of all flesh. That is why mystic monks.

这里的人祖祖辈辈生活在大山里面,父母基本都是文盲。Living in mountains generation by generation, most of the senior residents are illiterates.

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她的祖母和尚在襁褓中的姑妈,坐桌舢板离开祖祖辈辈生活的村庄。Her grandmother and infant aunt were making their way from their ancestral village by sampan.

我是一个土生土长的农民,我家祖祖辈辈住在大山里过着清苦的生活。I am a man from the countryside and all my ancestors live in a poor life at the mountain area.

像他们的祖祖辈辈一样,他们到美国来寻找机会。Like generations of immigrants before them, they came to America seeking economic opportunities.

有句祖祖辈辈传下来的古话,家丑不可外扬,至今仍是不变的真理。Do not wash your dirty linen in publish, this is an old saying passed over generations, and it is still true today.

正是这种精神指引我们的祖祖辈辈,以坚韧不拔的毅力渡过了大萧条,战胜了专制暴政。It is what led my grandparents’ generation to persevere in the face of a depression and triumph in the face of tyranny.

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马臭子讲到他们家自清朝以来祖祖辈辈都是贫苦的佃户,全靠租种地主的土地过日子,自家不曾有过一分地。Ever since the Ching dynasty, Ma revealed, his family had been poor tenants, renting land and never having any of their own.

可是,她承载着故乡人祖祖辈辈的希冀,记录着故乡人在这块土地上繁衍生息的世代艰辛。However, she carries the hopes of ancestral hometown people, a record of hometown thrive in this land for generations to come hard.

它们往往祖祖辈辈都在同一个地方排泄尿液,这些地方从而成为研究气候变化的理想实验台。Sometimes, they use the same location for generations to deposit their urine, making it a perfect test bed for research on climate change.

“每个人都意识到了这个问题,大家都知道这是个坏消息,”米拉奇说,他是个面色红润烟不离口的乐天派,家里祖祖辈辈都是树艺家,到他这一辈已是第六代了。“Everyone knows the problem, everyone knows the bad news, ” said Mr. Milarch, a ruddy, jovial chain-smoker and a sixth-generation arborist.

1999年,一个富裕的部落领袖设法收购该村总共1500亩的耕地,这些耕地是村民们生活过祖祖辈辈的土地。In 1999, a well-to-do religious leader managed to acquire the title for the 1,500 acres of farmland that this village had long held in trust.

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如果所有的孩子都这么做了,他们不去上大学,就待在家乡,做着他们祖祖辈辈都在做的事情。If all the children do what the representatives said, they don't go to university, just stay in hometown, doing the things like their ancestors.

个人的生活史,首先就是适应他的社团中祖祖辈辈传下来的行为模式和准则的历史。The life hist ory of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community.

这两口老井,就这样养育了祖祖辈辈几代人,在那个没有自来水的岁月里,也能够让乡亲们喝上纯净可口的水。The two old wells, thus raising the for generations to generations, in that no water time, also can let villagers drinking water pure and delicious.