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沙子么,就如一些琐碎的小事。The sand is the small stuff.

餐桌礼仪并不琐碎。Table manners are not trivial.

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她喜欢在花园里干一些琐碎活。She loves to potter in the garden.

不要认为哪件事太严重或者太琐碎。Consider nothing too big or trivial.

琐碎杂事扼杀了他的才能。His talent smothered in his trifles.

数字格式相当琐碎。Number formatting is rather trivial.

这些例子虽然琐碎,却也有趣。So those examples were trivial, but fun.

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没有比较我会知道自己的琐碎吗?Do I know my pettiness without comparison?

我不能为我的这些琐碎事去麻烦她。I can't bother her with my little affairs.

我不会拿琐碎的事来烦你。I will not labor you with trivial matters.

从今起我要抛弃一切琐碎的装饰。From now I leave off all petty decorations.

其他的是都过于琐碎而不用烦扰。The other stuff is too trivial to fuss over.

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将任何事都视为琐碎小事的人是一个胆大无谋的人。He is a bold man who calls anything a trifle.

我们周末做一些琐碎的家务事。We spent the weekend pottering around the house.

你的能量将会浪费在琐碎的事上。And your energy will be wasted on trivial pursuits.

她对琐碎小事的忧心忡忡使他感到惊讶。He was surprised by the triviality of her anxieties.

喋喋不休地谈这些琐碎细节是无用的。It's useless to fire away with such trivial details.

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我不想听那些琐碎的事!I don't want to hear all the piddling little details!

他们不仔细考虑细节的琐碎部分。They do not dwell on the trivialities or the details.

在琐碎中磨合到难以分离。Whet to match to the hard separation in the pettiness.