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那本书两个月人完稿。The book will be completed within two months.

报告正处于完稿阶段。It is in the final stages of the completing the report.

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那些已经完稿的订单今天能够来么?Will the completely edition of those orders come today?

他先用铅笔写下第一、第二甚至第三稿,最后用打字机完稿。He wrote his first and second drafts in longhand, in pencil.

两国间的协议现在已经完稿。The agreement between the two countries has now been finalised.

画册设计要求大气、高档。最后完稿得到客户的认可。Album design atmosphere, high-end. Final draft was ready by customers.

本篇报道可能没有完稿,在近期可能会更新或修改。This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future.

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联系客户部,将完稿交于客户并签署批准。Contact customer service, will be handed over to the customer and sign the approval.

他传来给我校阅而我已略作修订,完稿档案附呈。He sent it for my review and I had revised it slightly. The resulting file is attached.

我们不建议做策划用一个同样的顺序当你作为完稿呈现它的是时候。We don’t recommend developing the plan in the same order you present it as a finished document.

所有图书从市场定位分析、明确创作思路到完稿一并完成。All our books are produced from analysis of market positioning, creation ideas clearing to finishing artwork.

那部书稿终于完稿了,我已经把书稿发到您的电子信箱,务请不吝指教。The manuscript had been completed, and I had sent it to your email box. Please not hesitate to make comments.

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我再次感到它似乎就在昨天才完稿,无论是文风,它的文化意义,还是对我个人而言。Like always though it felt like it could have been written yesterday stylistically, culturally and personally.

过程比设想的要多几个步骤,并且截至本文完稿时还没有官方方法可以将这几个步骤自动化。The process has a few more steps than is desirable, and as of this writing there's no official method of automating it.

用点矩阵印表机印一份初稿给我看,如果无误,就用激光印表机印出完稿。Print out a draft for me to look at on the dot matrix printer and if that's alright, print the final copy on the laser printer.

时尚界是很残酷的,竞争激烈、完稿时间的压力,但是时尚界也是最具创意的,我觉得时尚不简单。Fashion industry is very cut-throat at times, a lot of competition, a lot of deadlines , but its also an industry where you can be creative.

这是本用梵文编著的史诗作品集,可以追溯到...,事实上这本作品的创作时间历时近千年,最终完稿于公元四世纪I think, a collection of epic poems written in Sanskrit that goes back-- it was actually written over a course of 1,000 years and it was completed in the fourth century.

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有些作者浅尝辄止,或者总是告诉自己以后再完稿,最终他们的硬盘里将躺满半打收集电子尘埃的草稿。Writers who dabble, or constantly tell themselves, I’ll finish later, are the writers who end up with a half-dozen manuscripts collecting digital dust on their hard drives.

随后,我于1989年夏天完稿,战役研究分院的科研委员会也随之解散,所有的研究人员都转行做了全职教师。Then my research and writing ended when, during summer 1989, the CSI research committee was abolished and all CSI staff members were assigned as full-time classroom teachers.

页面的访问者可以为网站上未完稿的书投资,筹集到足够的钱作者就可完成大作将其出版,投资的人则人手一本成书。Visitors to its website can pledge money for a book that is only part-written. If enough money is raised, the author can afford to finish it—and the pledgers will get a copy.