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出纳员在账单上盖上“收讫”印记。The cashier receipted the bill.

他在发票上盖上了“收讫”字样。He stamped “receipt”on the bill.

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支票付款须待支票收讫后才生效。Payment is valid only after the cheque is cleared.

收据上盖有“已收讫,谢谢”字样的章。The invoice have the stamp "received with thanks" on it.

收据上盖有“已收讫,谢谢”字样的章。The invoice has the stamp ' received with thanks ' on it.

会计工作是将全部收讫的钱入帐。The accountant's job is to enter all the money receive in the account.

会计工作是将全部收讫的钱入帐。The accountant 's job is to enter all the money received in the account.

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我们相信货物定已按时收讫,并能令贵方满意。We trust you have duly received the goods and find them to your satisfaction.

如你希望收到「培侨书院学位申请收讫通知」If you would like to receive an acknowledgment of your application to Pui Kiu College.

此保障计划设有由本公司收讫申请表起计算为期十五日的等候期。A waiting period of 15 days starting form the date the Company receives the Application Form is applicable.

每一张现金收据于收讫时即作记录,同样每笔支出也要在付讫后输入。Each cash receipt is recorded upon reception, while each disbursement is entered at the time that the payment is released.

汇票必须附有全套印有“货物收讫”字样的正本海运提单,凭指示、白背书,并写明“运费已付”。Draft must be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill off Lading made out to order, endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid.

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企业理卖正在发出商品、提供劳务,同时收讫价款或者获得讨取价款的凭据时,确认停业收进。Enterprises shall recognize revenue when merchandise shipped, service provided as well as money collected or rights to collect money obtained.

汇票必需附有全套印有“货物收讫”字样的正本海运提单,凭指示、空白背书,并写明“运费已付”。Draft ought to be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill off Lading did out to order, endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid.

国务院或省级国土资源管理部门依据加盖银行收讫章的“一般缴款书”的相关联次进行审核。State Council or provincial land and resources management based on the bank receipt chapter covers "general contributions book" linked to the audit.

贵团体提交的二○一○至一一年度儿童权利教育活动资助计划申请书已经收讫,我们现正进行审批程序。Your application for sponsorship under the Children's Rights Education Funding Scheme 2010-11 has been received. Vetting of application is in progress.

乙方按交接清单查验,核收航空货运单和货物,在交接单上签字确认收讫后监督货物装车。Party B will check and accept goods and AWB according to Delivery List, then sign on Delivery List as pickup confirmation and supervise goods loading onto trucks.

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销售货物或者应税劳务,为收讫销售款或者取得索取销售款凭据的当天。For sales of goods or taxable services, it is t he date on which the sales sum is received or the documented evidence of right to collect the sales sum is obtained.

在交付押租金或租金时,房客应要求房东开付收据交房客或于房客所持有之租赁契约书上注明收讫为宜。It is recommended that the Tenant requires the Landlord to provide a written receipt or record in the Agreement of every payment of Rental or Deposit to the Landlord.