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弥拉在心里猜测了一番。Mira made a guess mentally.

他就一些细节挑剔了一番。He nit-picked a few details.

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她在女盥洗室里浓妆艳抹了一番。She tarted up in the Ladies.

这地板需要好好地擦洗一番。This floor needs a good scrub.

唐伯虎,不要枉费我们的一番心血。Ton Pak Fu, don't let us down.

Fowkes不安地扫视一番。Fowkes glanced around uneasily.

我刚去过盥洗室梳洗了一番。I've just been to the lavatory.

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惊破一番新梦。Awakening a new dream, startled.

他受到他雇员的一番戏弄He was spoofed by his employees.

拉提波夫为我做了一番示范。Latypov gave me a demonstration.

现在是征服一切成就一番霸业的时候了。Now is the time for totally war.

我与…进行了一番长谈。I've had a long chat with Vinnie.

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今天是我的生日,咱们庆祝一番吧!It's my birthday-let's celebrate!

或者他们还态度傲慢地评论一番。Or they uttered haughty comments.

别有一番滋味在心头。An unspeakable taste in the heart.

他自己艰苦地开创了一番事业。He hewed out a career for himself.

他把来访者浑身上下打量了一番。He stared the visitor up and down.

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她出门之前浓妆艳抹了一番。She tarted up before she went out.

稻米的价格很快翻了一番。The price of rice quickly doubled.

老师给了她一番忠告。The teacher dosed her with advice.