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汽车有动力转向和中枢锁闭系统。The car has power steering and a central locking system.

疯子们锁闭在太空舱内,浪费着生命,仿佛他们无足轻重。Madmen locked inside capsules, squandering lives as if they were nothing.

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在他被根据法院令锁闭赶出后他有没有闯入我的房屋?Did he break into my house or not after he was locked out by a court order?

企业中存放的集装箱是否装有高安全性锁闭装置或封条?Are stored container doors secured with a high security locking device or seal?

设置安全保护,锁闭或封闭大门,在关闭的通道门处放置桌、柜等。Set thesafeguard, lock the doors and put the table or cabinet in front of the door.

没有任何锁闭装置的全时四轮驱动拉。Quadra Trac I delivers full-time four-wheel drive without any switches or levers to pull.

当输出短路时本驱动器将锁闭输出,必需关闭电源30秒后再重新开启。The power will lock output when output in short protection, must restart the power after 30 sec.

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所述装载锁闭装置室设有至少两个彼此不同的物体支承位置。The load lock chamber may be provided with at least two mutually distinct object support positions.

POD具备完善的电脑桌、充足的储存空间和安全的锁闭系统。The POD comes with integrated desk for your laptop , plenty of storage space, and secure locking system.

锁闭安装不应引起任何火车交通危险且其安全精确度符合UIC标准。Locking assembly shall not cause any danger on train traffic and shall have the security prec as per UIC standards.

分析了双杆锁闭ZD6型电动转辙机所存在问题的原因,并提出了解决办法。This article analyzes the existing questions of the double close ZD6 electric pointer, and puts forward the solution.

主上鞋器由主安装座、主轴、锁闭拉杆或拉绳和显示器组成。The main shoe-fixing apparatus consists of main mounting base, main shaft, locking tie rod or pulling rope and display.

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戴乐克是来自德国的各类锁闭系统设计商和制造商。DIRAK is a global designer, manufacturer and distributor of innovative, high-quality latching, locking, gasket and hinging systems.

副上鞋器由副安装座、轴、锁闭销、锁闭套和上鞋弹簧组成。The auxiliary shoe-fixing apparatus consists of auxiliary mounting base, shaft, locking pin, locking sleeve and shoe-fixing spring.

大漆之纯粹的灵魂曾久久地盘桓于器用,让人觉得她锁闭了自己纯粹的艺术资禀。其实,那是大漆的等待,她等待可以以纯形相托的时代和人物。The pure spirit of lacquer that once had lingered in utensils for a long time, and it let people thought her talent had been locked.

古希腊悲剧多为锁闭式结构,而中国元杂剧则以开放式结构为代表。Ancient Greek Tragedy always uses the structure for locking, and Chinese Yuan Traditional Opera in the use of the structure for opening.

针对拦焦车导焦栅的保护装置控制不可靠的问题,将液压系统应用到锁闭装置中,取得了较好效果。Against the problem of safe control device of grid of coke guide not being reliable, hydraulic system is applied to its lock device, and good result got.

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高速锁闭停车顶是一种新产品,这里重点介绍它的性能、应用及布顶方法。Locked stop wagon retarder for high speed running is a new product, this paper mainly introduces its performance, application and the method of retarders layout.

由此导致的“颚部锁闭”让受感染蚂蚁无法松开叶子,即使在死后也无法松开,为真菌在蚂蚁体外创造了一个稳定的场所。This results in "lockjaw, " whichmakes an infected ant unable to release the leaf, even after death, creating astable place outside the ant for the fungus to grow.

本发明涉及一种铁路货车锁闭机构,特别是涉及一种铁路货运敞车下侧门的锁闭装置。The invention relates to a locking mechanism of a railway freight car, in particular to a locking device arranged on a lower side door of a rail freight gondola car.