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有些人就像这些交通枢纽。Some people are hubs.

西朗综合枢纽区。Serang integrated hub area.

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苏黎世也是全球主要的运输枢纽。Zurich is also a major transportation hub.

涪江吴家街电航枢纽工程系裁弯取直工程。Wujiajie Hydro junction is a cut-bend Project.

是太平洋地区航空运输的枢纽。It is also the hub of sea and air transportation.

孝感——武汉只需30分钟,是鄂东北交通枢纽之一。Only 30 minutes' is needed from Xiaogan to Wuhan.

枢纽和小明准备一新的咆哮冒险!Bub and Bob are ready for a new roaring adventure!

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主要枢纽基地是澳门国际机场。Base is the main hub of Macau International Airport.

柳州是西南地区的交通枢纽。Liuzhou is the communication hub in southwest China.

枢纽是褶曲中弯曲度最大的点。The hinge is the point of maximum curvature in a fold.

巴黎是欧洲夜车的枢纽。Paris is the omphalos of Europe's night train services.

软交换是新、旧网络融合的枢纽。Soft switch is the new and old network integration hub.

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迪拜早已是全世界最大的交通枢纽之一。Already, Dubai is one of the world's biggest transport hubs.

门在枢纽转动,懒惰人在床上也是如此。As a door turns on its hinges, so a sluggard turns on his bed.

集装箱码头是集装箱运输的枢纽和节点。Container terminal is the hub and node of container transport.

弗林德斯街站是墨尔本市郊铁路的枢纽。Flinders Street Station, hub of Melbourne's suburban railways.

它作为一个“枢纽”,把内容发送到其他网站。It acts as a “hub” for distributing content to other networks.

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向西一千米,直达东二环、亚洲最大七维城市枢纽——东直门交通枢纽。Easy access to east 2nd Ring Road and Dongzhimen transport hub.

鹰潭已建成铁路和公路的“双枢纽。Yingtan rail and road have been completed and the "double hub."

坡折带是沉积地貌突变的古构造枢纽带。The slope-break zone is a pivotal zone of depositional physiognomy.