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枪弹穿入他的身体。A bullet entered his body.

战斗激烈进行时,枪弹密如雨点。While the battle raged , the bullets flew thick as hail.

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美的电水壶烧水快如枪弹!Midea kettles boil woverer as quick as principhas points!

她的身体被枪弹射穿,知道自己就要死了。She was shot through the body and knew she going to cash in.

枪弹打通了手,又从我背上穿出去。The bullet traversed my hand, but it came out through my back.

一下工夫鲸油和枪弹药全收起来了。The train-oil and gunpowder were shoved out of sight in a minute.

一星期过后,又散发了枪弹三万发。On the following week thirty thousand cartridges were distributed.

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我亲耳清晰地听到原枪弹的心脏的跳动。With my own ears Iclearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb.

你能在100米外把30收枪弹挨进纸靶子的统一个洞中。You can put one hole in a paper target at 100 meters with 30 rounds.

我亲耳清晰地听到原枪弹的心脏的跳动。With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nucclear bomb.

他们惊讶于成千的巴西街童死于药物、艾滋病及枪弹。They wonder the streets dieing by the thousand from drugs , aids and bullets.

危情之下,四姐妹分头举动,黑姑受伤,枪弹也打完了。Gorillas, four sisters move individually, black gu injured, also played the bullet.

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更糟糕的是,枪中还有几发尚未击发的枪弹。To make matters worse is that there are still several rounds of gun firing bullets yet.

我们在进行和平示威,而他们发射催泪瓦斯和枪弹。We are peacefully demonstrating while they are throwing tear gas and bullets," he said.

“达姆-达姆”这个名称后来也包含所有的软头或穴头枪弹。The phrase 'dum-dum' was later taken to include any soft-nosed or hollow pointed bullet.

在舱门上发现的孔洞使人们猜测他们可能是被枪弹射穿的。Holes were found in the door, leading to speculation they may have been caused by gunfire.

当三个女子从容地转辗于文明人所发明的枪弹的攒射中的时候,这是怎样的一个惊心动魄的伟大呵!How magnificent of these three girls to fall so calmly, pierced by the bullets invented by civilized men!

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有些枪弹从墙壁上的突出面反射到街垒里,打伤了好几个人。Bullets which had rebounded from the cornices of the houses penetrated the barricade and wounded several men.

2009年2月3日,袭击者向雅典郊外的一个警察站发射了九毫米枪弹,并投掷了一颗手榴弹。On Feb. 3, 2009, attackers fired 9-mm bullets and threw a hand grenade at a police station just outside Athens.

双方的反对派都将试图用刻毒的语言和枪弹炮火破坏这个进程。Rejectionists on both sides will try to disrupt the process, with bitter words and with bombs and with gunfire.