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把铁锨靠墙放着。Lean the shovel against the wall.

提米,从车里拿把铁锨过来…Timmy, get the shovel from the car.

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就这样,他们把我们这条街道给清理干净了,只不过用的是铁锨。They had plowed our street with shovels.

父亲放下铁锨,干咳着。The father dropped his shovel and coughed.

同学们拿着铁锨、水桶和小树苗上路了。We brought some spades, pails and saplings with us.

我手里拿着铁锨和扫帚不停地铲啊,扫啊。I kept on shoveling and sweeping with a spade and broom.

北方的农民曾经用铁锨自己挖井。Farmers in the north once used shovels to dig their wells.

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上了,铁锨很贵,他实在是丢不起的。It was an expensive shovel and he could not afford to lose it.

与此同时,在整个喜马拉雅地区,铁锨和镐已经加入了战斗之中。In the meantime, battle is joined with pick and shovel across the Himalayas.

又有人不声不响的扛起铁锨、镢头等开荒去了。They make no reply to the shoulder, and open up wasteland to shovel pickaxe.

我手里拿着铁锨和扫帚不停地铲啊,扫埃整整干了两个钟头。I kept on shoveling and sweeping with a spade and broom. After 2 hours, I finished.

春天,我们用铁锨翻开园子里黑油油的沃土。In the spring, we plunge shovels into the garden plot, turn under the dark compost.

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他拿起铁锨,跟着钟声传来的方向上了山,来到声音发出的地方已经是上气不接下气。Taking his shovel, the sweeper followed the sound of the church bells up into the hills.

等到天大亮了,清洁工很不情愿的返回山上想要取回铁锨。Waiting until daylight, the sweeper went reluctantly back up into the hills to retrieve it.

快拿出咱们的游泳衣和防晒油,把铲雪的铁锨扔在一旁,咱们动身去南方吧。Let's get out our bathing suits and suntan oil and put away our snow shovels . Let's go south.

学术话题是为什么铁锨刃口经过几十年的腐败之后如故犀利。The school topic is why the knife of the sparticlee is still sharp after decarticleesno decay.

但是只要她一接近她男友,像草耙和铁锨一样的农用器械就会从她男友的头部向她飞来。But as she approached, farming instruments, like pitchforks and shovels, started flying out of his head toward her.

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他颤抖着双手把箱子拽了出来放到一块石头上,用铁锨砸开了锁。He hauled it out of the ditch with trembling hands, placed it on a rock, and broke the lock with the edge of his shovel.

但是他还是用了那两个金币送了大儿子去上学,然后用剩下的零钱买了把新铁锨。But he did use the gold coins to send his eldest son to school, and with the leftover change, he bought himself a new shovel.

于是接下来的一周里他每天晚上都拿着铁锨去修道院的花园里面挖来挖去,但是什么也没找到。Each night for a week, he took a shovel and dug in the monastery gardens, searching for the priest’s treasure. He found nothing.