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拂晓时,充溢着我的心令我无法入睡。At dawn, I overflow with thoughts of us.

孩子们的脸上充溢着幸福的笑容。The children's faces beamed with happy smiles.

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小朝廷里充溢阴谋阴谋、倾轧纷争。The court with little tricks, faction disputes.

他的戏剧创作充溢着反封建意识。His guiding ideology is anti-feudal consciousness.

日本三丽鸥主题公园是充溢神奇的地方。This Japanese Sanrio theme park is rather magical.

你全身充溢着少女的纯情和青春的风采。You are all imbued with the girl 's youth and pure.

可充溢着从内到外的一种味道。Can exuberant a kind of taste from inside to outside.

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他充溢对工作的激情,也具有人性美。He filled to the passion of work, also has the humanity.

中关村立法充溢着创新性品格。The legislation of ZSP is full of innovative characters.

冗杂的说就是充溢生机的走路。Miscellaneous to say is overflowing vitality of the walk.

你全身充溢着少女的纯情和青春的风采。You are a girl's body overflowing and innocent youth presence.

他们的整片老街区都充溢着炭火的气味。The smell of charcoal filters throughout their old neighborhoods.

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当你心中充溢感激之情,那就行动吧。While your feeling of appreciation is alive and sincere, act on it.

水流也已充溢东南面的临时湖网。Water also fills a network of small temporary lakes in the southeast.

一九六八年,海伦凯勒宁静的走完她艰苦又充溢光彩的终生。In 1968, Helen Keller quiet go all her hard and with the glorious life.

可我不介意,我感觉内心充溢着米开朗基罗的艺术和男朋友的温馨爱情,他们共同撑起了我的世界。I felt filled up with Michelangelo and a boy and bringing worlds together.

佛教以为一切身心皆苦,人生在世处处充溢着痛苦。Buddhism believes that all bodies and mind are suffering, life is full of pain.

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娟子搀杂在人群中凝视姜永泉,目光中充溢敬重。Learn at school in the crowd JiangYongQuan mixed gaze, his eyes full of respect.

影迷们对那位英俊的演员充溢倾慕之情,在首映礼上大喊大叫。The fans who had fallen for the handsome actor screamed and yelled at the premiere.

然后,当你最终登上顶峰时,一种安宁平静的感觉会充溢你的全身。And then, when you do finally reach the highest peak, a sense of calm washes over you.