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上星期天他猎到了三只松鸡。He hunt three grouses last Sunday.

上星期天他猎获了三只松鸡。He hunted three grouse last Sunday.

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他们在荒野射猎松鸡。They're shooting grouse up on the moors.

这群人那天上午去了松鸡猎场。The party had been to the grouse moors that morning.

一只黑狐狸朝他走来,嘴里叼着一只松鸡。A black fox came toward him, carrying a ptarmigan in his mouth.

一只黑狐狸朝他走了过来,嘴里叼着一只松鸡。A black fox came toward him, carrying a ptarmigan in his mouth.

从生下来,小鹰就以为自己是一只松鸡。All his life, the young eagle thought he was a prairie chicken.

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类似的影响也会发生在青足鹬和红松鸡身上。Greenshank and red grouse may also be affected in the same way.

以常绿植物的嫩芽和针叶为食的北美松鸡。North American grouse that feeds on evergreen buds and needles.

松鸡们都成群结伙地到洼地去了。The grouses in groups tied the partner to go to the marsh land.

几乎是同时,有三只贪吃的松鸡,连虫带钩地把食饵吞了下去。Three voracious grouse swallowed at the same moment bait and hook.

这种动物的巴士停在一个松鸡,阿拉斯加的国鸟。The creature that stopped the bus was a ptarmigan , Alaska's state bird.

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这时候,小松鸡们早钻入洼地的积雪里。At this time, the small grouses drill into the marsh land early in the snow.

这时候,松鸡在钩子附近走来走去,丝毫没有注意地上的钓饵。Meanwhile, the birds walked about the hooks, without taking any notice of them.

有几只松鸡脖子上有两片象翅膀似的肉瓣,赫怕特认得这是公的。Herbert recognized the males by the two wing-like appendages raised on the neck.

勇士捡起鹰蛋,把它放在了一个松鸡的窝里。Indian took the egg Chinese translation put it in the nest of a prairie chicken.

我正在科罗拉多瓜内拉山口徒步旅行,拍摄白尾松鸡。I was hiking around Guanella Pass in Colorado to photograph white-tailed ptarmigan.

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这是一种可怕的喊声,那只狐狸吓跑了,可是没有丢下松鸡。It was a fearful cry, but the fox, leaping away in fright, did not drop the ptarmigan.

这是一声令人胆丧的喊叫,那只狐狸吓得跳开了,可是却没有丢下嘴里的松鸡。It was a fearful cry, but the fox, leaping away in fright, did not drop the ptarmigan.

松鸡从灌木栎树的根部慌忙逃窜,似乎它是从树里长出的干果,不朽的鸟儿!The partridge bursts away from the foot of a shrub oak like its own dry fruit, immortal bird!