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在这里,清人杀害了他的母亲。There Qing had killed his mother.

笔者从清人诗文集中辑得佚文五篇。The author yields five lost works from poems collection in Qing Dynasty.

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分析并利用清人已有的语源研究成果,将大大促进我们现代的语源学研究。Our modern etymology research benefited from the research of scholars in Qing Dynasty.

清人所谓汉学,实际上是从宋人的历史文献学发展而来的。Kiyohito the so-called sinology, in fact from the Song of Historical Documents evolved.

这一文学现象与清代社会风气与清人审美观念有关。This literary phenomenon was affected by the social morals and esthetic ideas at that time.

从睡虎地秦简和马王堆帛书来看,清人的上述意见显然是正确的。From Shuihudi Qin bamboo slips and silk books Mawangdui point of view, the Qing Dynasty's view is clearly correct.

突然他觉得有人撞了他一下,首先他吃一惊,怎么会有人如此近地碰触他的身体,但当他看清人后,他的脸上利马堆满了微笑。At forst he is startled that anyone would be so close as to touch him, but when he sees who it is he musters a smile.

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家事说是小说流传初期,清人以当朝历史人物敷衍到小说故事情节中而产生的种种说法。At the beginning of the novel's spreading, people in Qing Dynasty thought it as the housekeeping of some aristocrats.

此类法则的提出也表明清人对词体特性与主体性情间关系的把握已达到一种辩证的深刻。This reflects the profound understanding of the relationship between the style features of Ci and the subject's feelings.

正如清人袁枚诗中所言“夕阳芳草寻常物,解用都为绝妙词。”As Yuan Mei in Qing Dynasty said"Sunset, Grass-usual things, Better understanding and uses makes excellent iambic verses."

清人张问陶虽没有专门的诗学著作,其诗学见解却广见于他的诗作中。Zhang Wentao has no particular work for poetic theory, yet his understanding and interpretation of poetry are manifested in his considerable poetic works.

清人对明词创作多持否定态度,多有不够允当之处,相对来说况周颐的意见较为中肯。In Qing Dynasty, most people held a negative attitude towards the creation of Ming Ci, which seems inappropriate, but Kuang had a comparatively fair opinion.

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透过清人所编宋诗选本这一重要窗口,可以观照出清代宋诗学的历史进程。Through this important window the anthologies of Song poems in Qing Dynasty, we should witness the historical process of the Song Dynasty' s poetry in Qing Dynasty.

清人的宋词史研究以扎实的史料辑考来支撑宏观上的理论建构。The research on the history of Song Ci made by scholars in Qing Dynasty based its theoretical structure on sound compilation and examination of historical materials.

但清人的宋词史研究淡化了对宋词原生状态的考察,缺失了宋词中数量庞大的俗词的身影。However, they ignored the study of primordial state and a large number of folk expressions mainly because of the change of the situation of Ci in Song and Qing Dynasties.

我于是想,也就是说,你不认为顾炎武的哀叹在潜在层面有指责清人入略中原为殖民主义的意思……They are different. Late Qing intellectuals were worried about the consequence of colonialism. That's a totally different situation. Gu Yanwu didn't talk about colonialism.

清人章学诚“辨章学术、考镜源流”的赋论,对于我们探究赋的源起、发展与学术的关联,具有启发意义。The fu theory advanced by Zhang Xuecheng of the Qing Dynasty is of inspiring significance to our exploration of the origin, development and connection with the academic of fu.

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徐灿是明末清初的著名女词人,清人对其评价甚高,认为可与李清照并峙千古。Xu Can was well-known as a woman writer during the late Ming and early Qing period, who was spoken highly by people living in the Qing Dynasty and looked up to as Li Qingzhao.

清人王士禛论诗讲求“神韵”,少谈学问,自其说产生后,即遭清代主学文人的非议。In Qing Dynasty, Wang Shi-zhen put forward the poetics of more important being attached to romantic charm than to learning, which soon got censured by scholars thinking highly of learning.

考察清人、近人的文言学习实际,本人以为古代汉语教学中应充分调动学生的各种感官,将听背读写译观等多种手段充分运用于古代汉语教学。Reviewing the practice of classical Chinese study, this paper points out that the students should be greatly encouraged to listen, recite, read and write in the teaching of ancient Chinese.