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山色不厌远,我行随处深。Can I be far mountains, deep.

新的理论随处可来。New ideas can come from anywhere.

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在中国,公民可以随处吸烟。In China, citizens can smoke everywhere.

野花可以在外面随处找到。Wildflowers can be found for free outside.

糖尿病和哮喘随处都在增加。Diabetes and asthma are on the rise everywhere.

那不就像浮云一样,随处飘荡吗?Is it just like the cloud, flying over everywhere?

治疗流鼻涕的海牛油随处都可以买到。Manatee fat is widely available to aid runny noses.

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有几个女孩儿没精打彩地随处坐著。Several young girls were sitting around looking bored.

浓重的艺术气息宝隆美爵中随处可以被触摸到。In Grand Mercure Baolong, we can even smell art in the air.

我们还应限制随地吐痰以及随处乱倒垃圾。We should also confine spitting or littering in public places.

因为他们有车或者他们随处都可以打车。because they have cars or can afford to take taxis everywhere.

这片异国的土地随处都是花园,充满了欢歌笑语的儿童。This foreign land was an endless garden full of happy children.

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随处的墙壁屋顶都可以是杂树生花。Everywhere the walls of the roof can be mixed tree living flower.

但是光线,欢声,气流随处都是,比例和谐舒服。But light, cheer, air, and comfortable proportions are everyplace.

决裂的水管中的水很快就溅得房间里随处都是。The room soon filled with the water spurting from the broken pipe.

这番设置让我享受到在家里随处听音乐的乐趣。The setup gave me the pleasure of piping music throughout my home.

但洒出的颗粒会随处飘散,让鼻子发痒同时阻塞出气口。Sprinkled grains would float away, tickling noses and clogging vents.

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正如你所见,巴掌大的它们可以让你随处放置。As you can see, their handy size will let you put them almost anywhere.

正在阿谁告别的时期,厌恶随处皆是孤苦的感到熏染。In this farewell to the era, everywhere hate the feeling of loneliness.

在Facebook或谷歌等网站上,可以随处看到。And so you see that stuff all over the place on Facebook, Google, and the like.