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为什么M村经常夜里家鸡会不翼而飞?Why M village often night chicken will take wings to itself?

以家鸡进行安全性试验,无二次中毒现象。The safety experiment with chicken had not secondary poisoning.

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家鸡是由东南亚原鸡演变而来的。Domestic chickens are descended from jungle fowl of Southeast Asia.

家鸡是由野鸡退化的,按么野鸡是由什么进化的呢?。Domestic chicken degrades by grouse , press is grouse by what developmental?

栗子可以在圣诞节时作火鸡、珍珠鸡或家鸡的填料。Chestnuts can be used at Christmas time, as a stuffing for turkey, guinea fowl or chicken.

本实验主要对健康家鸭、家鸡、乌鸡和鸽子这四种家禽的血清免疫复合物进行研究。The experiment investigated the circulating immune complexes of healthy duck, chicken, black-bone chicken and pigeon.

带分析结果显示,家鸡和鹌鹑的G带差异主要反映在NO。Additionally, analysis of G-banding patterns for macrochromosomes of them indicated that there was great difference between NO.

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动物健康专家们说想保护家鸡和其他家禽的人们必须把他们养在远离野生鸟类的封闭的地方。Animal health experts say people who want to protect chickens and other birds should keep them in a closed area away from wild birds.

母亲正站在大约500只黑雁、一小群家鸡、几只矮脚鸡和三匹小马中间,它们都在心满意足地吃着。My mother is standing amid some 500 Canada geese, a small flock of domestic hens, a few bantams1 and three ponies, all feeding contentedly.

随着人类在原鸡栖息——南亚地区生活和交流的日益频繁,他们带来的家鸡和原鸡发生了交配,致使野生基因组混入了家鸡的基因。As humans push farther into the wild bird’s South Asian habitat, the chickens they bring with them interbreed with jungle fowl, polluting their genomes.

本山大叔衣着西山卸,身上向着一串蒜尾,手上拿着家鸡,推着毛毛上场。Uncle Zhao, in his customary Chinese tunic suit, enters, carrying a string of garlic on his back and a pheasant in hand, with his granddaughter Yadar in tow.

通过线粒体DNA控制区的结构和多态性来研究中国家鸡和红色原鸡的遗传多态性与系统进化。Investigation of the genetic diversity and systematic evolution in Chinese domestic fowls and red jungle fowls was carried out by the structure and polymorphism of mtDNA D-loop region.

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采用外周血淋巴细胞培养法和胰酶处理法,对家鸡和鹌鹑染色体的核型和G带进行了研究。Karyotype analysis was carried out on domestic fowls and quails using the peripheral lymphocyte culture techniques and G-banding patterns were obtained with trypsin and Giemsa staining.

如果该推测成立的话,家鸡酯酶的生物合成就可能成为研究禽类基因表达和调控的理想模型。If this hypothesis were true, the synthesis of esterase inside avian bodies could be a desirable model for investigating expression, regulation of expression and genes in avian populations.

那果真是世上最最美味的杂烩汤,是用松鸡、野鸡、家鸡、野兔、家兔、雌孔雀、珍珠鸡,还有一两样别的东西烩在一起熬成的。It was, indeed, the most beautiful stew in the world, being made of partridges, and pheasants, and chickens, and hares, and rabbits, and pea-hens, and guinea-fowls, and one or two other things.

那果真是世上最最美味的杂烩汤,是用松鸡、野鸡、家鸡、野兔、家兔、雌孔雀、珍珠鸡,还有一两样别的东西烩在一起熬成的。It was, indeed, the most beautiful stew in the world, being made of partridges, and pheasants , and chickens, and hares, and rabbits, and pea-hens, and guinea-fowls, and one or two other things.

总体而言,该系统聚类结果与13个鸡种的地理分布是一致的,并且认为独龙鸡是由红原鸡进化而来的家鸡品种。Generally, this clustering diagram coincides with the distributing geography of the 13 chicken breeds. The paper also thinks that the red jungle-fowl is the matriarchic ancestor of Dulong chicken.