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我们知道自然科学。We know the science.

自然科学如何是诠释学的?。How is the Natural Science Hermeneutical?

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我们要去台中的自然科学博物馆。We will visit the science museum in Taichung.

张旭,喜爱自然科学,欢迎您光临我的个人网站。Zhang, Xu like science, welcome to my website.

我们每周四有英语、数学和自然科学课。We have English, Math and Science on Thursdays.

好,她语文、数学和自然科学学得很好。Yes , she's good at Chinese , maths and science.

标国家自然科学基金资助记C_17至少在6个月内是稳定的。The labeled-C_17 was stable for 6 months at least.

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这个学期我自然科学学得很困难。I hard a really hard time with science this semester.

我是张旭,自然科学爱好者,欢迎光临我的个人网站。I'm Zhang, Xu, a science amateur, welcome to my website.

休谟想把自然科学描绘得非常一般化。Hume wanted to draw as a quite general lesson of science.

他的自然科学老师是马先生。他的课非常令人兴奋。His science teacher is Mr. Ma. His class is very exciting.

缺乏自然科学常识足以使我的朋友望而却步了。The lack of hard science is enough to scare off my friend.

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焦耳的工作引导出自然科学的一个基本定律。Joule's work led to one of the basic laws of physical science.

而且我们还可以教他点自然科学知识。Other than that, we can also teach him something about science.

这是美国国家自然科学基金生物学部的网站。This is the website of The Directorate for Biological Sciences.

本网络记者随后采访了自然科学基金委纪检部门的官员。An official at the foundation's disciplinary department told SciDev.

十九世纪上半期,自然科学已取得了伟大的成就。The first half of the 19th century, science has made great achievements.

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情报学知识与自然科学知识都具有反身性。Both informatics knowledge and natural science knowledge have reflexivity.

自然科学的成果似乎很少与艺术发生关联。Results in the natural sciences seldom seem to correlate with those in art.

自然科学学位课程是全日制课程,在杜伦市校区授课。The degree programme is full-time only and is based at the Durham city campus.