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绥芬河市城市垃圾综合治理工程,采用卫生填埋法。The synthesis waste disposal is of sanitation covering way.

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综上所述,无证无照经营是一项需要综合治理的系统工作。To summarize, to solve the problem is an integrated system work.

提出了综合治理卫工河的技术路线。Put forward the ways in technic treating Weigong River synthetically.

加强对污水、烟气、尾气的综合治理。Improve the comprehensive treatments of graywater, smoke, and tail gas.

因此,沂蒙山区经济林的水土流失综合治理应引起高度重视。So, the soil loss control of economic forest should be paid more attention.

治理热害应首先探明热源,然后根据热害类型及程度进行综合治理。The heat source and type of heat-harm should be investigated before controlling it.

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为黄土低山丘陵区的综合治理提供根据。These provide some theoretical bases for managing comprehensively Loess Low Hill area.

综合治理区不仅控制了卷叶蛾,且取得良好的生态效益。Not only leaf rollers were controlled, hut the better ecological efficiency was gained.

淮河是我国第一条进行水污染综合治理的大河,被纳入“九五”期间国家水污染防治的重点。However, there is still a large gap between the effect of water pollution remediation in.

有利于提高渭河中下游生态环境质量及渭河流域的综合治理。Which is helpful to enhance the ecological environment and to harness the Wei River basin.

强本固基,综合治理,带领企业走出困境。Strengthening the solid base, comprehensive management, leading enterprises out of the woods.

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社会综合治理是我国解决社会治安问题的总方针。The society synthesis governing is general policy of our country to solve the social question.

本研究对我国尖音库蚊复组蚊虫的综合治理有一定指导意义。This study may provide a guide to integrated pest management for Cx. pipiens complex in China.

杨子坑流域是1992年初开始进行综合治理开发的。Yangzikeng watershed began its comprehensive control and exploitation at the beginning of 1992.

贯彻径流调控和综合治理路线,搞好小流域综合防治。An approach of regulating runoffs and integrated management in small watersheds should be adopted.

富营养化的综合评价和综合治理是当前的主要趋势。Comprehensive assessment, of eutrophication and its management are important ways of current studies.

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综合治理水土流失面积4.8万平方公里。Through combined measures, we brought soil erosion on 48,000 square kilometers of land under control.

王家沟流域是晋西水土流失综合治理的典型样板之一。Wangjiagou watershed is one of the examples of comprehensive control of soil erosion in western Shanxi.

在黄土丘陵沟壑区,沟坡是小流域尺度上水土流失最为活跃的部分,对其水热条件的了解是进行综合治理的基础。Gully region is the most severe place of soil and water erosion in the catchment scale of Loess Plateau.