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第一章是绪论部分。Chapter one is a introduction part.

我看书时常常略去绪论。I always jump introduction to read books.

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全文由绪论和四个章节构成。Cat is composed of exordium and four chapters.

第一章绪论,简述本文的写作宗旨。Chapter one narrates the stress of this paper.

绪论部分包括四个方面的内容。The prolegomenon mainly includes four aspects.

论文包括绪论及十章内容。This thesis consists of the exordium and ten chapters.

绪论是一门课的开端,也是一门课的缩影。Introduction is the beginning and epitome of a subject.

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本论文由绪论、正文、结语三部分组成。This thesis is composed of exordium, text and epilogue.

全文分为绪论和四个主要章节。The dissertation consists of introduction and four parts.

本文包括绪论和正文三部分。This article includes three parts, introduction and body.

全文除绪论外,主要包括四个部分。The thesis is divided into four parts except the exordium.

绪论的后半部阐述了本文的讨论范围。Then, the scope of discussion of the paper is also defined.

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本文由绪论和四个章节组成。This article consists of an introduction and four chapters.

基于此,本文除了绪论外,包括三章。Based on this, the paper, including three except introduction.

全文由绪论、四章和余论组成。It is made up of Introduction , four chapters, and Postscript.

文章框架由绪论、主体五章和结束语等七个部分组成。The thesis consists of introduction, five chapters and epilog.

正文包括绪论、四个章节及结论三大部分。The body part consists of exordium, four chapters and conclusion.

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全文除“绪论”、“结论”外,共分五个部分。This article have five parts besides introduction and conclusion.

本文除绪论外,内容主要分为四个部分。Besides introduction, the content is mainly divided into four parts.

正文分为五章,另有绪论和结语两部分。The thesis has five chapters other than introduction and conclusion.