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她的职业。Her career.

什么职业?What profession?

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我就在职业生涯里这样做的。I do it with careers.

她是个职业妇女。She's a career woman.

凶手是职业杀手。Your killer is a pro.

我在职业队打过两年球。I played for two years.

你的职业是什么?What’s your profession?

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职业拳击手的助手。A prizefighter's second.

将职业目标定高陆。Aim high in your career.

你的职业是啥子?。May Iknow your vocation?

我希望有一样新的职业。I would like a new career.

我仍处于职业生涯的中期。I'm still only mid-career.

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汤尼想从事什么职业?What does Tony want to be?

他没有固定职业。He has no fixed occupation.

他的前38次职业比赛保持全胜。He started his career 38-0.

我只看职业拳击赛。I watch the pro bouts only.

开启您的职业新境界!Open up your new frontiers!

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你的职业计划是什么?What are your career plans?

他是职业外交人员。His profession is diplomacy.

我的职业是法律,他的职业是绘画。I'm in law,he's in painting.