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阳,暴晒这我。Yang, which I exposure.

留在家里,不要让你的皮肤在阳光下暴晒。Stay at home and don't expose your skin to the sun.

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皮肤由于经过暴晒严重灼伤时期。skin exposure due to severe burns after the period.

好,在太阳暴晒下将引起褪色。Good. Discolouration may occur in sunlight exposure.

请戴好帽子,以免头部遭到暴晒。Please wear a hat to protect your head against the sun.

这种酱是由黄豆暴晒发酵而成的。This soy paste is made of sundried and fermented soybeans.

另外,皮肤科医生也警告人们要小心太阳暴晒。Also, skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure.

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切勿让床垫暴晒过久,以免使床面褪色。Do not let mattess had insolated long, lest make, bed face fades.

为什么他们能够坚持,哪怕风吹雨打与暴晒?How come they persisted in that despite rain, storms, and sunburn?

暴晒会促皮肤老化,甚至生癌。Insolate ageing of meeting hurried skin, give birth to cancer even.

内含压力气体,不可暴晒,不可穿破过燃烧即使是空罐。Containing pressure gas, not sun, not even worn off combustion cans.

每天大约15分钟就足够了,当然,要避免过度暴晒,以免罹患皮肤癌。About 15 minutes a day ought to do it. Avoid overexposure, of course.

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暴晒过后怎样才能使皮肤快速变白?How to insolate to you just can make the skin bleachs quickly afterwards?

大部分防晒霜需在暴晒前20-30分钟涂抹才能起到保护作用。Most sunscreens work best if applied 20-30 minutes before exposure to the sun.

稍六合彩结果耐寒,耐干旱和半阴,不耐水湿和强光暴晒。Slightly cold, drought tolerance and half shade, water wet and light exposure.

如果放在太阳下暴晒,磁带很容易翘曲或在磁带盒里黏结。Left out in the heat of the sun, tapes easily warp or get stuck in their cases.

如果干燥鱼时,避开明亮的阳光暴晒,它的味道会尝起来更好。Fish taste better if they are out of bright sunlight while they are being dried.

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黑色素瘤是最危险的一种皮肤癌,它是由于阳光暴晒所造成的。Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer and is related to sunlight exposure.

服药后应避免暴晒。外出宜穿长袖衫、长裤。Avoid sun exposure after taking this medicine. Wear long sleeves and pants when going out.

具有良好的耐久性,虽在长期暴晒之后,仍可发挥其与上层之间的亲合力。Good lasting property, still good appetency with above coating after long-term insolation.