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禅院已经有了五百多年的历史了。This temple has a history of more than 500 years.

所有禅院都应该在这方面教育自己。All chanyuan celestials should educate themselves in this aspect.

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金朝大定三年,皇帝赐封该洞为大明禅院。Jin Dading three years, the Emperor gave the hole as the Daming temple.

您可直接将捐款进入禅院户口,并通知禅院负责人。You may bank in directly to our bank account. Once you have banked in, please inform us.

您可直接将捐款进入禅院户口,并通知禅院负责人。You may bank in directly to our bank accounts. Once you have banked in, please inform us.

这个竹海一直延伸到山顶,著名古禅院法藏寺。This Bamboo Sea has been extended to the Peak, a famous ancient Toll of the Temple Fazang.

任何修行者想在本禅院修行都必须遵守以下条规。Any yogis who wishes to stay in this hermitage must accept and comply to the following terms.

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他们都属于佛教禅院,其教义的实质是透彻觉悟。They belonged to the Chan school of Buddhism, the basis of whose creed was abstract meditation.

寺庙之中,祥符寺、慈光寺、翠微寺和掷钵禅院,号称“四大丛林”。Temples, Xiangfu Temple, Chi Kwong Temple, Temple and throwing bowl Cuiwei Temple, known as "four jungle."

许多人阅读禅院文章仅仅是当作饭后谈资或享受暂时休闲娱乐,根本没有意识到我们的本意是要率领他们脱离苦海,使他们不再遭受悲伤和苦难的折磨。Some people read these articles like a form of entertainment and they don't realize that we are trying to save them from sadness and suffering.

皇宫周围是一系列的寺院,禅院、神祠、学校、公馆,通常它们都有它们自己的花园,就像是它们自己的花园哲学。Around it grew an array of temples, subtemples, shrines, schools, and detached palaces, each with its own gardens and often, it seemed, its own garden philosophy.

在越南高原大乐,竹林禅院译青慈法师教授这种禅修法,他的弟子在世界各地也实行修法。This meditation protocol is propagated by Venerable Thanh Tu in Truc Lam Monastery in Dalat, the highland of South Vietnam, and his followers throughout the world.

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没有婚姻和家人的家必须使物尽其用,无论是一个人还是生命禅院,生命禅院时代也将为这一目标而努力。Home without Marriage and Family must make the best use of everything, no matter it is a person or thing in Lifechanyuan, and the Lifechanyuan Era will make strive for this target too.

赤山法华院、赤山禅院、极乐菩萨界、大明圣境、天后宫现已形成了山东最大的宗教文化景观建筑群。Chishan France and China Institute, Chi Shan Monastery, Paradise Buddha sector, Ming Sacred, Tin Hau Temple in Shandong has been formed the largest religious and cultural landscape of buildings.