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婚姻不一定是你来我往的拳击。Marriage doesn't have to be boxing.

二人你来我往,互不相让。Two people you to me to, are eyeball.

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私募股权的收购者们你来我往。A succession of private equity buyers came and went.

原告和被告你来我往,互相指责。The prosecution and defense were bandying accusations back and forth.

漆黑的街道上,络绎不绝的村民们在默默地你来我往。In the also pitch-dark road, villagers were coming to and fro silently.

双方已经在如何分割收入等财务细节上你来我往地争执了好几个回合。The two sides have ping-ponged over how to split revenue and other financial details.

路透社报道,分析家估计这种你来我往的状态可能要延续到明年。Analysts figure that the back-and-forth will continue into next year, Reuters reports.

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双方在第四节依然你来我往,不过占据优势的仍然是黄蜂。The two sides in the fourth quarter still to me you , but is still dominated the Hornets.

谈判桌上你来我往,竞争和对峙造成了太多变数。There are too many variables, too many changes on the table and too many competing agendas.

而这里所缺乏的正是赫敏和罗恩之间有的那种你来我往的争辩。What is missing is the sort of equal give-and-take arguments we see between Hermione and Ron.

在一次沙滩聚会上,人们打了起来,每个人都在推推搡搡,拳头你来我往。On one memorable occasion a fight broke out at a beach party, with everyone punching and shoving.

谈判是一个你来我往的交流过程以期达成协议,其中牵扯到说服力和妥协。Negotiating is the process of communicating back and forth for the purpose of reaching an agreement.

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此后双方你来我往,比分交替上升,场面一直非常胶着。Hereafter both sides frequent each other, the score rises alternately, scene continuously unusual rubber.

东西两村人你来我往,消弭了警戒,村民们也变得心胸宽广起来。The thing two village people you to go, and I removed the alert, the villagers also become broad-minded up.

他们在聊天室里,躲在网名后面,与其他网名你来我往,打字聊上个把小时。Hiding behind screen names, they communicated in chat rooms with other screen names, typing back and forth for hours.

政策僵化死板,除了在最高位置上的你来我往之外,甚至难有人事变动。Little change in policy is expected, nor even in personnel, apart from a polite game of musical chairs at the very top.

麦凯恩和奥巴马在星期三你来我往的激烈争辩控制了最近一些天的竞选激烈度。McCain and Obama went back-and-forth Wednesday over the negative rhetoric that has dominated the campaign trail in recent days.

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我们之间肯定会经过你来我往这么一个阶段,或许这正是一种谈判策略。There is bound to be statement, counter-statement, positions and so on. This might be part of the negotiating tactic also, " said Zebari."

网络社交产生的是你来我往而不断加强的友谊,你喜欢我的猫的照片,我就回帖祝贺你升职。Social networking tends to createself-reinforcing spirals of reciprocalkindness. You like my cat pictures, so Icelebrate your job promotion.

更多的美国人认为我有能力成为一个称职的总统,在议题上你来我往的辩论使我得以进一步推销我的积极方案。More Americans thought I had the ability to be a good President, and the give-and-take on the issues allowed me a chance to push my positive proposals.