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设备应有铭牌。The equipments shall have relevant nameplates.

用于各类金属、非金属、零备件、工具等的标识铭牌制作。They are all used to mark the br in many areas.

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所有的设备都钉有铭牌。All the equipment must be fitted with nameplates.

每个棺材也有刺绣的羊毛铭牌。Each coffin also has an embroidered woolen nameplate.

一些人还用铭牌上的俚俗冲锋口号讥讽警察。Some used the slang slogan on the nameplate to mock the police.

铭牌的位置在工程图纸中指定。The location of nameplate is specified on the engineering drawing.

铭牌制作的好与坏,涉及到产品的价值和等级。Nameplate production is good or bad, related to the value and grade.

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铭牌应固定有两个防锈机螺钉。Nameplates shall be fastened with two rust resistant machine screws.

适用于铝壳、铭牌、铜盖等复杂纹路,数控技术、创新领先。It applies to aluminum, nameplate, copper cap and other complex lines.

大门边上有一块铭牌,上面绘有马克思狮子般头像的剪影。Beside the front door was a plaque with Marx’s leonine head in profile.

应设的铭牌上面为了便于阅读工具。The nameplates shall be located above the instrument for ease of reading.

他常常会想起克拉特一家,于是就有了立铭牌的想法。He still thinks about the Clutters often, hence his idea for the memorial.

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金属梯设置带挂锁设施和警告铭牌的隔板。The metal ladder has the diaphragm with padlock device and alarm nameplate.

公司正在制作的商标铭牌上嵌入了大块的琥珀。The company is creating beer-tap handles with hunks of amber embedded in the tip.

额定电流和总电阻等参数均在铭牌上标明。Rated current and the total resistance and other parameters are indicated on the nameplate.

本公司位于广东深圳市龙岗区,主营金属铭牌等。The company is located in Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, such as main metal nameplate.

以上数所仅供参考,具体参数以产品说明书或底部铭牌为准。The data above is only a reference, please refer to the label for the specification on the body.

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故居巷口有青岛市文物局立的铭牌。Former residence of the alley with Qingdao Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau established nameplate.

在画的旁边有一块铭牌,上面写着在恐怖袭击中被杀害于泰姬酒店的31名逝者的名单。Next to it was a plaque listing the names of the 31 people who had died in the Taj during the siege.

提示铭牌、线指示器、标、牌和交通标记、通指示牌是我们文件中的一部分,请您电话垂询更多信息。Signs, Traffic signs and Traffic signs belong to our portfolio. For more information please call us.