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清仓物资,低价倾销。Dump clearance goods at low price.

月球将会成为塑料玩具的倾销地。Now Moon had become a plastic toys dumping yard.

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综合0800游戏倾销包括党卫军v2的!Integrated 0800 for game dumping including SS v2!

海力士经常被对手指控倾销。Hynix has often been accused by its rivals of dumping.

日本或许能向国外倾销更多的钢铁。Japan might be able to unload more of its steel abroad.

然后大家开始倾销,那么它只是下降。And then everyone starts dumping, and then it just drops.

例如,没有看到倾销,税率和其他。Without for example unti dumping, tax rate and other add.

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金达尔说,一些国家在印度大量倾销。Jindal said some countries were dumping extensively in India.

说完,他的留意力又回到那个迷人的女倾销员身上往了。Tom returned his attention to the attractive young salesgirl.

这个倾销员当众演示如何用压力锅煮东西。This salesman demonstrated how to cook with a pressure cooker.

但在名称的慈善团体有许多人都是到倾销手段的行为。But in the name of charity a number of people are into duping acts.

于冬将第一阶段打趣地称之为“低价倾销”。The first stage, according to Yu, is what he jokingly calls "dumping".

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对每一个人,包括倾销着,这样可能远远高于成本。That would impose a far higher cost on everyone, including the dumpers.

中国指责沙特在中国市场上倾销石油化工产品。China has accused Saudi Arabia of dumping petrochemicals on its markets.

西方国家常向第三世界国家倾销剩余货物。Western countries often dumped surplus goods into Third World countries.

不得倾销。要抵制住借交叉销售之机处理滞销商品的强烈欲望。Don't dump junk. Resist the urge to use cross-selling to move unwanted stocks.

倾销幅度测算是裁定倾销以及实施反倾销措施的依据和基础。Estimation of dumping ranges is the basis of carrying out antidumping measures.

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他们谴责西方向第三世界倾销过期的药品。They accused the West of dumping out-of-date medicines on Third World countries.

当我们卖你的商品,你可以负担的,你责怪我们,为倾销伪劣产品。When we sell you goods you can afford, you blame us for dumping inferior products.

倾销幅度指倾销价格与公平价格之差。A dumping margin represents how much the fair-value price exceeds the dumped price.