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在中央大街吗?On Main Street?

顺着中央大街走。Follow Main Street.

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在中央大街上。It's on Center Street.

沿着中央大街走。Go along Centre Street.

他被临时调到中央情报局工作去了。He was seconded to CIA.

她是中国中央电视台的播音员。She announces for CCTV.

中央公园,林荫大道。The Mall, Central Park.

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所有的镶嵌都位于正中央。All inlays are dead-center.

也有部分中央邦选民弃权。A number of MPs also abstained.

中央铜门上的浮雕。Relief on the main bronze door.

圈中央是一座石制祭台。Space is a central altar stone.

守卫者将球传至中央。The defender centered the ball.

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途中你有在任何中央勾留吗?Did you stop anywhere on the way?

我在看中央电视台的百家讲坛。I'm watching "CCTV Lecture Room".

她看见一座十字架伫立在花园中央。She saw a crucifix in the garden.

“中央木柱”是第一个球柱。The kingpin is the number one pin.

这是为了制作中央折痕。This is to create the center fold.

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我们把镜子挂在墙的中央。We centred the mirror on the wall.

并可远眺中央花园。And overlooking the central garden.

来克伍德中央大道1472号。B. 1472 Central Avenue in Lakewood.