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我只是这办公室里一个打杂的。I'm just the dogsbody in this office.

他一辈子只配在厨房里打杂。His life only with a charwoman in the kitchen.

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这个男孩发现自己总是为黑人跑腿打杂。The boy found himself fagging for a black prefect.

十年前,曹淑发在一家小工厂里打杂。Ten years ago, Cao Shufa in a small factory charwoman.

我想是没有人愿意去做打杂的初级程序员的。Nobody wanted to be a grunt junior programmer, I guess.

他很勤快,把握各种打杂的机会赚钱,事实上,如书中的叙述。He was always on the lookout for new money-making opportunities.

有的替他擦鞋,有的替他烤面包,有的做小打杂。This one blacked his shoes, that toasted his bread, others would fag out.

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如果说有什么事我难以忍受的话,那就是拿我当办公室打杂的对待。If there's one thing I won't stand for, it's being treated like an office boy.

比如,你在一家炙手可热的公司虽然做着打杂的活儿,但它能给你简历添金。Maybe you have a low-rung job at a hot company that adds value to your resume.

最初到英国的时候,他在伦敦“遇上唐”中餐馆洗碗,打杂。He got his first job in a Chinese restaurant in London, he did all the odd jobs.

尽管她只是一名打杂女工,但她总想象着自己就是店主。She was only a charlady, but she always conceived she herself was the owner of the shop.

虽然她只是一名打杂女工,但她总想象着本人就是店主。She was only a charlady, but she always conceived she herself was the owner of the shop.

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她雇佣我为她的私人助理,但我似乎要做的一切是替她打杂。She took me on as her personal assistant but all I seem to do is fetch and carry for her.

也就是说,如果你认为自己是一个打杂的那真的就是一个打杂的。That means, if you think you are a person who does odds and ends, then you are the person.

我也很想去,可是我答应了妈妈帮她打杂活。我觉得我脱不了身。I wish I could, but I promised to run some errands for my mom. I don't think I can get out of it.

大学生也对一般的办公室职务有兴趣,比如电话客服、打字及打杂。They are also interested in general office jobs such as answering phones, typing and running errands.

如果你是男的,二十二岁,你可以升编辑,如果你是女的,一辈子打杂。If you are a22-year-old man you get promoted to editor if you're a woman you're a gofer all your life.

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梁晨被安排在小虾米手下工作,就是在度假村打杂。Liang Chen is in by arrangement shrimp rice at hand works, be in namely go vacationing the village chares.

他成了船上每一个人的吉祥物、供人逗乐者、打杂工,人人都希望通过使诺曼打滚并乞求拍头轻一点来衬托自己的威仪。Everyone's mascot, jester, dogsbody, hoping to foil the punches by rolling over and begging for a pat on the head.

这是醇沥酒店那位开心的伙计,因为是打杂的,有时也做喂马赶车的差事。This was the cheerful servant of that establishment, who, in her part of factotum, turned groom and ostler at times.