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不要浪费时间或出言不慎。Don't use time or words carelessly.

我正想出言挽回时,丁宇却开口了。I just want to say it, but Ding Yu spoke.

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敌意是由于他出言过于粗率而造成的。There was a barely veiled hostility in her tone.

这样满脸胡子的东西,也敢出言无状么?How dare such a hairy-faced thing speak rudely to him!

当被问到乔布斯何时能重返工作岗位,库克出言谨慎。Asked when Steve Jobs would return, Cook spoke carefully.

出言不慎有时会使朋友反目。Carelessly spoken words can sometimes unsolder ties of friendship.

还是黄韬出言提醒,“孔副经理,你的楼层倒了。”Or Huang Tao speak to remind, "bore vice-president, your layer gushed."

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纽约人也很自豪能够妙语如珠或出言挑衅的讽刺。And New Yorkers pride themselves on quick quip or a biting sarcastic remark.

雅各在这里指出,我们在日常生活中,最容易是出言不慎而伤害别人。James speaks about one thing in our lives which can hurt people most of all.

他招致的轻蔑和敌意是由于他出言过于粗率而造成的。The opprobrium and enmity he incurred were caused by his outspoken brashness.

由于出言大胆,战术运用令人不测,斯卡吉尔成为一个非常有争议的人物。Scargill was a very controversial figure for his outspokenness and the tactics he used.

采君见到春花虽然也心中暗喜,但觉自尊受损出言反驳。You see spring has hooked up in the heart, but damaged rebuttal of the sense of self-esteem.

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因未能在案件中找到证据指证卓或,资雅出言安慰愤愤不平的辛勇。After failing to find evidence proves zhuo or in the case, and speak comfort aggrieved XinYong.

丹仁得悉后便出言质问醒裘,最终季菲亦坦承自己怀疑恺瑜。Dan kernel learning after speak query wake qiu, JiFei also admitted his doubt kai yu in the end.

中年男子一见到花拉便上前纠缠,蒋元见状出言替花拉解围。Middle-aged man saw flowers pull it forward to entwine, jiang yuan he speak for spend clearance.

三水发现乙恒竟说出想自杀后,忍不住出言恫吓他。Sanshui found YiHeng unexpectedly speak tried to commit suicide, unbearable speak intimidation him.

卓或知道至然对双庆仍未死心,出言劝告,却换来至然的斥责。Zhuo or know to the likelihood of double celebration has yet to be dead, not advice, but to rebuke.

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像这样的情况,当所有的学者名人都出言呼吁破产的时候,我试着退一步看看历史。In cases like this, when every pundit is calling for a crash, I try to step back and look at history.

美国官员周二对寻求针对朝鲜采取的行动出言谨慎。U. S. officials were circumspect Tuesday about the actions they're seeking to take against Pyongyang.

带着不快心情的蒋元回家,承天得知蒋元的遭遇,亦出言安慰投资失利的他。Unhappy with jiang yuan home, learned that jiang yuan a day, he also speak comfort investment failure.