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可是这具尸体被认错了。But the corpse was misidentified.

认错改正一半错。Confession of a fault make half amend.

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能够接受教诲,“勇于认错”的人,大都进步得快。Those who admit their faults can advance.

后来只见钟俊良头低低的出来认错。Then see ZhongJunLiang head low out mistake.

我们总以为男人认错了,就是我们赢了。We always think men misidentified, is we win.

有错的时候认错不要自负到拒绝认错。Admit when wrong--don't be too arrogant to say it.

小光知道自己做错了,低着头,红着脸低头认错。Light know they did wrong, low head, red face had.

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出于形式,路德先是被要求公开认错。For form’s sake, Luther was first invited to recant.

我要是没有认错的话,你一定是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吧?You must be Prof. Tallack from London, If I'm not mistaken.

我要是没认错的话,您一定是从伦敦来的泰莱科教授吧。You must be Prof. Tallack from London, if I'm not mistaken.

马伯瑞钜细靡遗地描述赖斯不能认错。Mabry dwells at length on Rice's inability to admit to error.

保言认错,兆天撤去他的采购职务。Paul said to admit, zhaotian removed his purchasing position.

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这个青年工人直接跑到办公室来认错。The young worker went straight to the office to admit his fault.

要是我没认错的话,你就是威尔榭公司的杜威先生?If I'm not mistaken, you must be Mr. Dewey from Willshire Fashion?

公开认错有用,不管前任或现任配偶相挺也有帮助。Mea culpas can help. So can support of a spouse, former or current.

他说不清楚鹦鹉是什么或者连不会认错的鸵鸟也不知道。He could not say what a parrot or even the unmistakable ostrich was.

如果老婆不认错,我还说老婆错,那就是我的错。If my wife does not aware her fault , I said her wrong, it is my fault.

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斯科特做错事时从不认错道歉,真是令我心痛。It rankles me that Scott never apologizes when he does something wrong.

尽管那男孩的父母三番五次要他认错,那男孩就是不听。Despite several promptings from his parents the boy refused to apologize.

九妹见四喜不认错,气得上前就一通拳打脚踢。Nine sister see four admit it or not, I was so angry forward is a kicking.