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它们也是卵生的。They laid eggs too.

鸟是卵生动物。Birds come from eggs.

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鸟类、鱼和两栖类是“卵生”的动物。Birds, fish, and amphibians are"oviparous".

鸟类、爬虫及昆虫是卵生的。Birds, reptiles and insects come from eggs.

凡禽鸟都是卵生,而它却是胎生的。Every birds bird is oviparous, and it is viviparity however.

单孔类动物是卵生哺乳性动物。A monotreme is a animal that lays eggs and suckles its young.

对哺乳动物来说,卵生和长有毒刺是很少见的。It is very unusual for a mammal to lay eggs or to have poisonous spurs!

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其基因也包括了卵生和哺乳的部分。The genome also included sections of DNA linked to egg-laying and others for lactation.

鸭嘴兽是半水栖卵生哺乳动物,原产于塔斯马尼亚岛和澳洲地窍部及东部。Also called duckbill semi aquatic egg-laying mammal native to Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia.

古代朝鲜神话中反复出现的卵生母题是其族源神话的一大特色。Oviparous heroes and maternity-centred backgrounds appeared repeatedly in the fairy stories of ancient Korean literature.

而今年夏天的一项研究表明,一种澳大利亚蜥蜴,放弃了“卵生”,选择了“胎生”。Besides, a study this summer suggests that a species of Australian lizard is abandoning egg-laying in favor of live birth.

太阳崇拜是带有普遍性的原始信仰,透过卵生神话可以窥见朝鲜民族先民的太阳崇拜。The sun worship is a universal primitive belief and through the oviparous myth the sun worship of the ancient Koreans can be seen.

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朝鲜古代卵生神话是原始狩猎历史时期的文化产物,可分为南北方卵生神话。Egglaying myths of ancient Korea were the products of hunting culture in primitive historical period, and divided into south and north two groups.

鸡被作为卵生动物的代表,一些已经灭绝的爬行动物可能在进化过程中将基因传给了鸭嘴兽和其他哺乳类。Chickens were included to represent egg-laying animals, such as extinct reptiles, that passed on much of their DNA to the platypus and other mammals in the course of evolution.

菲力普斯认为,由于单孔目动物是卵生,而且具有一些远古始祖的性状,例如类似爬行动物的肩,人们认为牠们较为低等,而新发现则赋予了原始特徵一些正面意义。The presence in monotremes of egg laying and other primitive traits from distant ancestors, such as reptilelike shoulders, is often offered as reasons for their apparent inferiority, Phillips says.