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索赔金额正在理算中。The claim is being adjusted.

他的要求在理。He is reasonable in his demands.

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在理工大学之外,似乎弥漫着一种威胁的空气。There's an air of menace outside the Polytechnic.

丹妮丝呼哧呼哧喘着气落在理查德身后几步。Denise huffs and puffs, several steps behind Richard.

此外,在理工大学墙外又一次爆发冲突。And clashes erupted once again outside the Polytechnic.

这看上去很在理,但却出乎意料地引来许多争议。This seems obvious, but it’s surprisingly controversial.

假如他们无视于我们的意愿,我们便认为是他们失之在理。If they ignore our wishes, we believe they are disrespectful.

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在大多数军事分析家看来,这些重新部署十分在理。To most military analysts, these redeployments make a lot of sense.

在理查德的右边是他们家的客人卡瑞里博士,一个意大利人。On Richard Amory's right was a house-guest, Dr. Carelli, an Italian.

很显然,这些并没有发生在理查,莱特身上。Well, apparently this is not something that happened to Richard Wright.

抵挡这么一柄钝剑,诺顿的回应当然言之在理。Against such a foil, Ms Holmes Norton could hardly help sounding reasonable.

他在理气同实的前提下,说明理可以与气一样在具体的事物中实现。In this context, account for Daniel and pneumatic could achieved at the same time.

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在理查德•费曼最著名的一场物理演讲上,他提出了这么一个有趣的问题。In his famous Lectures on Physics, Richard Feynman presented this interesting speculation

在理出优先顺序后,我为每项都设定了计划,并开始朝目标努力。I set up plans for each, after prioritizing the items, and started working towards the goal.

我发觉你们的理货员在理货时聊天,我们怎能信任你们的理货数字?I become aware of your tallymen's chatting during tallying. How can we trust your tally figures?

“那就好好研究研究吧,”她说的很在理,“你是搞科研的,你去找那些奥斯卡在场时去世的病人的亲属聊聊吧,看看人家都有什么要说的。”Talk to some of the family members of patients who died on Oscar's watch. See what they have to say.

148年8月22日,玫瑰战争的最后一次战役在理查德三世和亨利都铎之间展开。On August 22, 148, the last battle of the Wars of Roses was fought between Richard Ⅲ and Henry Tudor.

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1458年8月22曰,玫瑰战争的最后一次战役在理查德三世和亨利都铎之间展开。On August 22, 1458, the last battle of the Wars of Roses was fought between Richard Ⅲ and Henry Tudor.

在理查德.戴利市长和保罗.西蒙参议员成功的竞选活动中,拉姆和戴维共过事。Rahm had worked with Wilhelm in the successful campaigns of Mayor Richard Daley and Senator Paul Simon.

因此,大概有人在理查二世的眼前不断展示着一盘盘美味佳肴,却始终不许他享用。So King Richard II might have had trays of delicious food paraded before him but not been allowed to eat.