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事实上,几个月来他都杳无音讯。In fact, I had not seen hide nor hair of him in months.

几年过去了,关于他的情况仍杳无音讯。The years rolled by and still there was no news whatsoever about him.

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对于贸易和开放性投资已经是杳无音讯了。There has been almost complete radio silence on trade and open investment.

她六月分失踪后至今杳无音讯,其母亲被指控谋杀但拒不认罪。Caylee has not been seen since June. Her mother has pleaded not guilty to murder.

但是这艘小船没能抵挡住大海的狂暴,从此杳无音讯。However, the boat could not withstand the fury of the sea ever since been heard from since.

他从去年年底至今年2月消失数月,杳无音讯。Between the end of last year, he disappeared for several months in February this year, heard from since.

但是当30多个申请杳无音讯时,她只有放弃了到财富500强公司工作的希望。But after hearing nothing from more than 30 applications, Hu has all but given up hopes of joining a Fortune 500 company.

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有很长一段时间阿尔芒杳无音讯,而玛格丽特倒经常有人提起。CONSIDERABLE time elapsed without my hearing a word about Armand, but on the other hand the subject of Marguerite had come up a great deal.

哑妹带着雪娃冒着炎炎烈日在耕种着自家的地,一次次给姜云阳写信都杳无音讯。Dumb sister with Cheval braved the scorching sun in the cultivation of their own land, a letter to Jiang Yunyang without hearing a word about it.

她是个很怪异的女人,而且她的丈夫一夜之间失踪了,从此杳无音讯,也没找到尸体!She's really a strange woman and her first husband just disappeared one day. No one ever heard a word from him again and they never found a dead body!

年过去了,那位法国艺术家仍杳无音讯。看来他肯定已离开这个国家去了唯有上帝知道的什么地方。Six years passed, then seven and eight, and nothing was heard of that French artist. It seemed certain that he had left the country for only God knows where.

洛杉矶警方和验尸官正在寻找迈克尔·杰克逊猝死前的一名治疗医生,此人早已杳无音讯。A doctor who has apparently gone missing after treating Michael Jackson before his sudden death is being sought by the Los Angeles police and coroner's office.

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如果在一个政权的反对派半夜消失,之后杳无音讯的国度里,难以明白甘地的方法如何运用。It is difficult to see how Gandhi's methods could be applied in a country where opponents of the regime disappear in the middle of the night and are never heard of again.

当洪水平息,人们开始担心起自从强力巨浪冲上海安后杳无音讯的朋友和亲人,通过在电脑上查找讯息。As the floodwaters subsided, worried friends and relatives leapt onto their computers to find information about people who had not been heard from since the mighty wave crashed ashore.

在和小欧文相处日深之后,哈勃终于明白为什么狗星所有的间谍都一去杳无音讯,他们决不会再希望帮助自己的家乡侵略地球。Owen live on in the dark and small, the Hubble finally understand why the dogs are a spy satellite to all heard from since, they would never again want to help their home invaded Earth.

但是我告诉自己这样也好,他知道我爱他,爱到可以容忍他的杳无音讯,这让我想起有些东西是高于那些左右他的叛逆和愤怒。But i told myself it was good. he knew i love him enough to bear with the not knowing. And it helped me remember that there was something more than rebellion, more than anger that was driving him.