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远处还有一位身披白纱的贵妇,娉婷而来。A lady wears white yarn tippet, svelte coming from a distance.

记忆的梗上,谁不有两三朵娉婷,披着情绪的花。Memory of the terrier, who don't have two or three roses have a graceful demeanour, covered with flowers.

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晋王回想至此,他对楚北捷说如果顺利的话现在白娉婷已经在燕王慕容肃的车上了。The king of Chu Beijie back so far, he said if successful and now white already in yanwang Murong Su's car.

当则尹抱起白娉婷的“尸首”时楚北捷颇有深意地让他小心照顾她。When it took up painting the "corpse white Yin" Chu Beijie quite profound meaning to let him take care of her.

看着冬灼欲言又止的样子,白娉婷问他是不想说,还是不能说?Looking at the winter burning like white asked about to speak, but saying nothing, and he do not want to say, or not?

春风送暖,期待一树的嫣红,一窗的明媚,已在不远处娉婷于陌上诗笺。The warm spring breeze, looking forward to a tree red, a window is beautiful, it is not far away from Mo Shijian pingting.

白娉婷称自己是来还债的,她想救楚北捷,晋王称自己想听听白娉婷有什么办法?White pingting said he is to pay off debts, she wanted to save Beijie Chu, Jin Wang said that he wanted to hear and what method?

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娉婷不动声色在赌桌前坐下,仅半个小时就下了十三注,只赢不输,顿时整个娇嬿楼都乱了套。Sit quietly and at the gambling table, only half an hour on the thirteen note, not only to lose to win, suddenly the whole building had done Yan johnson.

春来时还常有几枝娇艳的桃花杏花,娉娉婷婷,从墙头殷勤地摇曳红袖,向行人招手。In spring, beautiful peach and apricot blossoms atop the walls, like graceful girls waving their red sleeves, will sway hospitably to beckon the pedestrians.

每一个有月亮的夜晚,你都会为我,轻轻地吹奏起那一曲柳笛,看我,在你的琴声里轻歌曼舞,浅笑嫣然,花枝乱颤,燕语呢喃,共舞娉婷,共醉月影。The moon every night, you will be for me, since it gently playing a flute Liu, look at me, the sound in your Yan twitter language, dance Pingting were drunk on video.

他对娉婷说她的英雄死了,何不放弃离开东山别院跟自己走,他们和冬灼一起弹琴、练剑、赛马,回到当初那般模样。He said pingting her hero died, why not give up don't go with his left Dongshan hospital, they play the piano, and winter burning fencing, horse racing, back to the way.

晋王允,白娉婷指出如今大燕是北方众国进攻大晋的门户,如果能止战三年,她定能保证大晋国力更为强盛。Jin Wang Yun, white Yan pointed out that now is the north and the attack Jin of portal, if the war ended three years, she can guarantee the strength of more powerful shanxi.

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醉菊又说院子里一夜之间竟然多了好几棵腊梅树,也不知道是谁栽的,娉婷会心地笑了,她知道是楚北捷连夜为了她而栽的。Drunk between chrysanthemum Yard said night even more good trees bloom the tree, do not know who is planted, and laughed, she knew it was the night for her Beijie Chu culture.