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紫薇在逃亡中,头部受创而失明。Crape myrtle in exile, head injury and blindness.

有柔水的雾和紫薇的清香。Have soft water, fog and Lagerstroemia fragrance.

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从此,紫薇的世界,被深情的尔康填满。Since then, Lagerstroemia world, is loving Erkang fill.

后紫薇与小燕子解除了误会。Lagerstroemia lifted after the misunderstanding with the Swallow.

采自广东和云南的大花紫薇未发现遗传分化。L. speciosa from Guangdong and Yunnan hasn't genetic differentiation.

我看见一棵紫薇树,应该是佐治亚州最老的树了。I saw a crape myrtle that’s supposed to be the oldest tree in the state.

紫薇斗数是中国道家传统的算命方法。Purple Star astrology is a traditional Taoist Chinese divination system.

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尔康在与杀手搏斗时受重伤,紫薇因尔康受伤眼睛奇迹般复明。Kang in battle and killer was hurt, the crape myrtle Erkang injured eye miracle fuming.

乾隆冷静思量之后原谅了小燕子并认了紫薇。Qianlong calm thinking after forgive the little swallow and recognize the crape myrtle.

芙蓉榭以北,一片草坪,绿草如茵,四周紫薇成林。A grassy lawn, embraced by crape myrtle woods, sprawls to the north of the Lotus Pavilion.

紫薇斗数是用一私的出身年、月、、时排出十二宫。Purple Star astrology divides your life into twelve zones based on your birth date and time.

听了她们的话,我对这树姿优美的紫薇树产生了好感。After listening to their words, I am Shuzi beautiful Crape Myrtle trees had a good impression.

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紫薇煤污病是贵阳地区紫薇的主要病害之一。The pathogen Capnodium sp. causes a serious sooty mold disease on Lagerstroemia indica in Guiyang.

知道的是紫薇东,比较流行的收费,以及其他房地产如果什么也没有发生。To know is Ziwei east, relatively popular subscription, and other real estate as if nothing happened.

班杰明、尔康常为紫薇和小燕子当信差,和柳青柳红成为朋友。Benjamin, Erkang often crape myrtle and swallow when the messenger, and red Liu Qingliu become friends.

天宫的紫薇垣周边,是玉帝及其家族的领地。The surrounding celestial region, the Ziwei Star, was the realm of the Celestial Emperor and his family.

今天我和妈妈一同去了良凤江公园,我在那里看到了婀娜多姿的紫薇树。Today, Mom and I went together to a good Feng Jiang Park, where I saw the Graceful's Crape Myrtle trees.

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紫薇的领导能力和智慧,在此时完全发挥出来,常常完成一些“不可能的任务”。Lagerstroemia leadership ability and wisdom, in the fully play out, often performing" mission impossible".

大花紫薇,通常被称为绉紫薇,生长在不同的热带国家和澳大利亚。Lagerstroemia speciosa , commonly known as crepe myrtle, grows in various tropical countries and Australia.

仙人掌类、玉莲花、南天竹、紫薇、剑麻等旱生花卉要少浇水。Cactus kind, the drought unripe flowers such as jade lotus, nandina , crape myrtle, sisal wants little water.